Я начинаю понимать как древние мастера исполняли свои заклинания. Это довольно времезатратный проект, уверен у меня получится всё понять. Посмотрим...
Исполнение рунных заклинаний немного сложный процесс, неудивительно, что это искусство было практически забыто. Я перепрочту мои записи тщательно.
Я могу начать писать Руну зажав Использовать/Установить с Посохом в моей руке, я увижу диагональную сетку точек в воздухе, передо мной. Дальше я могу зажимать и двигать посохом от точки до точки, чтобы писать руны в Мыслях сетки; завершение руны запустит её действие, описанное во вкладке Руны.
Как только я написал достаточное количество рун для исполнения заклинания сетка исчезнет как Мысли, которые я сохранил будут выпущены. Я также могут нажать Escape если хочу покинуть сетку заранее, если я конечно не опасаюсь некоторой ошибки, которая может привести к неприятностям ( чем больше Мыслей я использовал тем выше шанс, что последствия будут ).
Так как работают Руны? В кратце:
Руны будут испольнять...
Действия, которые используют
Стэк, являющийся очередью... Из различной
Во первых, Руны. Они основополагающие - их я использую чтобы взаимодействовать с Мыслями вокруг меня. Некоторые руны, когда написаны, совершат действия. Действия на самом деле и делают всю магию; все руны манипулируют Мыслями разными методами и если метод оканчивается чем-то полезным это называется действием.
Мысли могут быть изменчивыми: если я напишу неправильную руну то получу в результате мусор где-то в моём стэке
Следует заметить что направление этих рун не важно. Обе этих руны исполняют действие Зеркало нарцисса
Заклинания исполняются написанием (верных) рун по очереди. Each action might do one of a few things:
Gather some information about the environment, leaving it on the top of the stack;
manipulate the info gathered (e.g. adding two numbers); or
perform some magical effect, like summoning lightning or an explosion. (These actions are called "spells.")
When I start casting a Hex, it creates an empty stack. Actions manipulate the top of that stack.
Зеркало нарцисса поместит на верх стэка информацию об игроке, который исполняет заклинание. Положение сущности возьмёт информацию о сущности с верха стэка и вернёт её положение на верх стэка.
Так что написание рун в этом порядке положит на верх стэка моё положение.
Информация может представлять такие вещи как я или моя позиция, но есть другие типы которыми я могу управлять с помощью Действий. Список типов информации:
Числа ("doubles");
Вектора ("vector") 3 числа представляющие позицию или направление
Сущности, как я, куры, вагонетки, валяющиеся предметы;
Очередь из рун, использующаяся для создания магических предметов и мозговыносящих заклинаний как заклинания, которые вызывают другие; И
Очередь с любыми типами информации
Естественно все заклинания тратят Мысли в качестве оплаты.
Как я понимаю заклинания это план действий, представленный Природе - в этой аналогии Мысли используются для соединения с Природой, передачи ей информации.
К слову, похоже никто не делал исследований по поводу того сколько Мысли хранит аметист. Осколок аметиста около пяти Аметистовой Пыли, и Заряженный кристал аметиста около 10.(br2)Достаточно странно, видимо другие формы аметиста не подходят для исполнения заклинаний. Цельные блоки кристалов и цельные кристалы слишком большие чтобы запросто конвертироваться в Мысли.
Следует отметить, что Действие потребляет Мысли сразу, а не когда заклинание окончено. Так же Действие всегда потребляет цельный предмет, к примеру, если руна требует 1 Аметистовую пыль заберёт в оплату целый Заряженный кристал аметиста, если это единственный источник Мысли в моём инвентаре.
Хорошей идеей будет брать немного пыли для заклинаний, чтобы не тратить лишнего.
Судя по древним текстам, недостаток Мысли в инвентаре для заклинания может вызвать ужасные последствия - в качестве оплаты, будет принята часть разума. Ощущения описываются как - слабость, жуткая боль, страдания, растворение плоти..."
Вероятно из-за этого все последователи этой магии сошли с ума. Я не могу представить себе плавление частей моего разума.
Возможно что-то поменялось, наверное. В моих экспериментах у меня не получалось потратить больше Мысли чем есть у меня в виде аметистов, будто что-то оберегает меня.
Было бы интересно достичь дна этой мистики, но сейчас что-то оберегает меня...
I have also found an amusing tidbit on why so many practitioners of magic in general seem to go mad, which I may like as some light and flavorful reading not canonical to my world.
Content Warning: some body horror and suggestive elements.
Похоже, все руны имеют ограничение в дистанции работы, около 32 блоков радиуса, если попытаться активировать заклинание за пределами этого круга руна не сработает.
It seems I will need to be adroit with vectors if I am to get anywhere in my studies. I have compiled some resources here on vectors if I find I do not know how to work with them.
First off, an enlightening video on the topic.
Additionally, it seems that the mages who manipulated Psi energy (the so-called "spellslingers"), despite their poor naming sense, had some quite-effective lessons on vectors to teach their acolytes. I've taken the liberty of linking to one of their texts on the next page.
They seem to have used different language for their spellcasting:
A "Spell Piece" was their name for an action;
a "Trick" was their name for a spell; and
an "Operator" was their name for a non-spell action.
Link here.
Я не идеален, я делаю ошибки время от времени во время обучения и исполнения заклинаний; например если допустить ошибку в написании руны или использовать руну без нужных аргументов. Ошибки не прощаются, допуская ошибку я получу неприятности.
Неверная руна будет подсвечена красным на сетке. Основываясь на типе ошибки можно ожидать различные эффекты и разноцветные искорки.
Так же я получу полезное сообщение в чате ( грядёт обновление и это вырежут!).
Fortunately, although the bad effects of mishaps are certainly annoying, none of them are especially destructive in the long term. Nothing better to do than dust myself off and try again ... but I should strive for better anyways.
Following is a list of mishaps I have compiled.
Invalid Pattern
The pattern drawn is not associated with any action.
Causes yellow sparks, and a Garbage will be pushed to the top of my stack.
Not Enough Iotas
The action required more iotas than were on the stack.
Causes light gray sparks, and as many Garbages as would be required to fill up the argument count will be pushed.
Incorrect Iota
The action that was executed expected an iota of a certain type for an argument, but it got something invalid. If multiple iotas are invalid, the error message will only tell me about the error deepest in the stack.
Causes dark gray sparks, and the invalid iota will be replaced with Garbage.
Vector Out of Ambit
The action tried to affect the world at a point that was out of my range.
Causes magenta sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending location.
Entity Out of Ambit
The action tried to affect an entity that was out of my range.
Causes pink sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.
Entity is Immune
The action tried to affect an entity that cannot be altered by it.
Causes blue sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.
Mathematical Error
The action did something offensive to the laws of mathematics, such as dividing by zero.
Causes red sparks, pushes a Garbage to my stack, and my mind will be ablated, stealing half the vigor I have remaining. It seems that Nature takes offense to such operations, and divides me in retaliation.
Incorrect Item
The action requires some sort of item, but the item I supplied was not suitable.
Causes brown sparks. If the offending item was in my hand, it will be flung to the floor. If it was in entity form, it will be flung in the air.
Incorrect Block
The action requires some sort of block at a target location, but the block supplied was not suitable.
Causes bright green sparks, and causes an ephemeral explosion at the given location; it will harm me and others, but will not destroy any blocks.
Hasty Retrospection
I attempted to draw Retrospection without first drawing Introspection.
Causes orange sparks, and pushes the pattern for Retrospection to the stack as a pattern iota.
Delve Too Deep
Evaluated too many spells with meta-evaluation from one spell.
Causes dark blue sparks, and chokes all the air out of me.
Transgress Other
Я попытался сохранить информацию о другом игроке.
Вызывает чёрные искрыs, and robs me of my sight for approximately one minute.
Disallowed Action
I tried to cast an action that has been disallowed by a server administrator.
Causes black sparks.
Catastrophic Failure
A bug in the mod caused an iota of an invalid type or otherwise caused the spell to crash. Please open a bug report!
Causes black sparks.
A Stack, also known as a "LIFO", is a concept borrowed from computer science. In short, it's a collection of things designed so that you can only interact with the most recently used thing.
Think of a stack of plates, where new plates are added to the top: if you want to interact with a plate halfway down the stack, you have to remove the plates above it in order to get ahold of it.
Because a stack is so simple, there's only so many things you can do with it:
Adding something to it, known formally as pushing,
Removing the last added element, known as popping, or
Examining or modifying the last added element, known as peeking.
We call the last-added element the "top" of the stack, in accordance with the dinner plate analogy.
As an example, if we push 1 to a stack, then push 2, then pop, the top of the stack is now 1.
Actions are (on the most part) restricted to interacting with the casting stack in these ways. They will pop some iotas they're interested in (known as "arguments" or "parameters"), process them, and push some number of results.
Of course, some actions (e.g. Mind's Reflection) might pop no arguments, and some actions (particularly spells) might push nothing afterwards.
Even more complicated actions can be expressed in terms of pushing, popping, and peeking. For example, Jester's Gambit swaps the top two items of the stack. This can be thought of as popping two items and pushing them in opposite order. For another, Gemini Decomposition duplicates the top of the stack-- in other words, it peeks the stack and pushes a copy of what it finds.
The names given to actions by the ancients were certainly peculiar, but I think there's a certain kind of logic to them.
There seem to be certain groups of actions with common names, named for the number of iotas they remove from and add to the stack.
A Reflection pops nothing and pushes one iota.
A Purification pops one and pushes one.
A Distillation pops two and pushes one.
An Exaltation pops three or more and pushes one.
A Decomposition pops one argument and pushes two.
A Disintegration pops one and pushes three or more.
Finally, a Gambit pushes or pops some other number (or rearranges the stack in some other manner).
Spells seem to be exempt from this nomenclature and are more or less named after what they do-- after all, why call it a Demoman's Gambit when you could just say Explosion?
Influences are ... strange, to say the least. Whereas most iotas seem to represent something about the world, influences represent something more... abstract, or formless.
For example, one influence I've named Null seems to represent nothing at all. It's created when there isn't a suitable answer to a question asked, such as an Archer's Distillation facing the sky.
In addition, I've discovered a curious triplet of influences I've named Consideration, Introspection, and Retrospection. I can use these to add patterns to my stack as iotas, instead of matching them to actions. My notes on the subject are here.
Finally, there seems to be an infinite family of influences that just seem to be a tangled mess of media. I've named them Garbage, as they are completely useless. They seem to appear in my stack at random, like pests, when I drawn an invalid pattern. Turning my (admittedly very poor) ethereal senses towards them, I see only a nonsense jumble.
I have discovered new and horrifying modes of failure. I must not succumb to them.
Inert Mindflay
Attempted to flay the mind of something that I have either already used, or of a character not suitable for the target block.
Causes dark green sparks, and kills the subject. If a villager sees that, I doubt they would look on it favorably.
Lack Spell Circle
Tried to cast an action requiring a spell circle without a spell circle.
Causes light blue sparks, and upends my inventory onto the ground.
Lack Akashic Record
Tried to access an Akashic Record at a location where there isn't one.
Causes purple sparks, and steals away some of my experience.
Я посвящаю эту секцию загадочным предметам, которые я обнаружил в ходе моего обучения.
Похоже множество этих предметов используется при совместном удержании с посохом. Думаю мне следует тщательно выбирать что находится в моей неведущей руке.
It seems that I'll find three different forms of amethyst when breaking a crystal inside a geode. The smallest denomination seems to be a small pile of shimmering dust, worth a relatively small amount of media.
The second is a whole shard of amethyst, of the type non-Hexcasters might be used to. This has about as much media inside as five Amethyst Dust.
Finally, I'll rarely find a large crystal crackling with energy. This has about as much media inside as ten units of Amethyst Dust (or two Amethyst Shards).
The old man sighed and raised a hand toward the fire. He unlocked a part of his brain that held the memories of the mountains around them. He pulled the energies from those lands, as he learned to do in Terisia City with Drafna, Hurkyl, the archimandrite, and the other mages of the Ivory Towers. He concentrated, and the flames writhed as they rose from the logs, twisting upon themselves until they finally formed a soft smile.
Посох это моя точка входа в использовании рун всех типов. Если держать его в руке и нажать Использовать/Установить, я начну писать руну; тогда я смогу зажать любую кнопку мыши чтобы писать руны.
Это нечто большее чем просто кусок мысли на конце палки; в конечном счётё это всё что нужно.
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Посох можно создать из различных видов дерева и он будет выглядеть по-разному, это не влияет на руны
Мысли могут иметь эффект на любом типе информации, в особых условиях. Покрытие стекляшки тонкий слоем из мыслей может помочь узнать множество нового.
Удерживая Линзу прозрения в моей руке, некоторые блоки будут показывать дополнительную информацию когда я смотрю на них.
К примеру, смотря на редстоун пылинку я увижу силу её сигнала. Я предполагаю, что узнаю множество других блоков, с которыми взаимодействует линза.
В дополнение, удерживая её при написании рун сильно уменьшит расстояние между точками на рунной сетке, что позволит мне написать куда больше рун.
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You must learn... to see what you are looking at.
Талисман может хранить одну единицу информации.
При создании она имеет внутри Null абстракцию. Используя Scribe's Gambit while holding a Focus in my other hand will remove the top of the stack and save it into the Focus. Using Запись в предмет можно сохранить любую информацию в Талисман и добавить её в стэк позже.
Вероятно я могу хранить целую очередь из рун в Талисмане, а затем вызывать их и использовать с помощью . Таким образом я могу исполнять комплексные заклинани, или части заклинаний, без необходимости постоянно их писать.
Думаю я могу сильно укоротить заклинания, положив часто встречающиеся очереди рун в Талисман, например быстрый доступ к координатам блока на который я смотрю.
Также, если я сохраню сущность в Талисмане и попробую получить её после того как сущность погибла или исчезла Чтение из предмета вернёт Null абстракцию заместо сущности.
С помощью медовых сот я могу защитить талисман от случайной перезаписи. Попытавшись использоватоь Запись в предмет на залипшем талисмане провалится.
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Poison apples, poison worms.
Числа могут быть выражены не только с помощью рун, старые мастера рунного ремесла создали предмет, позволяющий быстро получать числа с помощью Счётов. Просто установить число на счётах и прочесть его с помощью Чтения из предмета, будто я получаю информацию из Талисмана.
Чтобы управлять счётами, нужно держать их, присесть и использовать колесо мыши. В основной руке число будет изменяться на 1 или 10 если я удерживаю Ctrl(Command для Эпл). В другой руке число измениться на 0.1 или 0.001.
Я могу встрясти счёты чтобы вернуть их к 0 с помощью приседания+правая кнопка мыши.
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Mathematics? That's for eggheads!
A Spellbook is the culmination of my art-- it acts like an entire library of Foci.
Each page can hold a single iota, and I can select the active page (the page that iotas are saved to and copied from) by sneak-scrolling while holding it, or simply holding it in my off-hand and scrolling while casting a Hex.
Wizards love words. Most of them read a great deal, and indeed one strong sign of a potential wizard is the inability to get to sleep without reading something first.
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Wizards love words. Most of them read a great deal, and indeed one strong sign of a potential wizard is the inability to get to sleep without reading something first.
A Scroll is a convenient method of sharing a pattern with others. I can copy a pattern onto one with Scribe's Gambit, after which it will display in a tooltip.
I can also place them on the wall as decoration, like a Painting. Using Amethyst Dust on such a scroll will have it display the stroke order.
In addition, I can also find so-called Ancient Scrolls in the dungeons and strongholds of the world. These contain the stroke order of Great Spells, powerful magicks rumored to be too powerful for the hands and minds of mortals...
If those "mortals" couldn't cast them, I'm not sure they deserve to know them.
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I write upon clean white parchment with a sharp quill and the blood of my students, divining their secrets.
Slates are similar to Scrolls; I can copy a pattern to them and place them in the world to display the pattern.
However, I have read vague tales of grand assemblies of Slates, used to cast great rituals more powerful than can be handled by a Посох.
Perhaps this knowledge will be revealed to me with time. But for now, I suppose they make a quaint piece of decor.
At the least, they can be placed on any side of a block, unlike Scrolls.
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Blank Slate

This is the letter "a." Learn it.
This is the letter "a." Learn it.
Although the flexibility that casting Hexes "on the go" with my Посох is quite helpful, it's a huge pain to have to wave it around repeatedly just to accomplish a common task. If I could save a common spell for later reuse, it would simplify things a lot-- and allow me to share my Hexes with friends, too.
To do this, I can craft one of three types of magic items: Cyphers, Trinkets, or Artifacts. All of them hold the patterns of a given Hex inside, along with a small battery containing media.
Simply holding one and pressing Использовать/Установить will cast the patterns inside, as if the holder had cast them out of a Посох, using its internal battery.
Each item has its own quirks:
Cyphers are single-use, destroyed after the Hex is cast;
Trinkets can be cast as much as the holder likes, as long as there's enough media left, but become useless afterwards;
Artifacts are the most powerful of all-- after their media is depleted, they can use Amethyst from the holder's inventory to pay for the Hex, just as I do when casting with a Посох. Of course, this also means the spell might consume their mind if there's not enough Amethyst.
Once I've made an empty magic item in a mundane crafting bench, I infuse the Hex into it using (what else but) a spell appropriate to the item. I've catalogued the patterns here.
Each infusion spell requires an entity and a list of patterns on the stack. The entity must be a media-holding item entity (i.e. amethyst crystals, dropped on the ground); the entity is consumed and forms the battery.
Usefully, it seems that the media in the battery is not consumed in chunks as it is when casting with a Посох-- rather, the media "melts down" into one continuous pool. Thus, if I store a Hex that only costs one Amethyst Dust's worth of mana, a Charged Crystal used as the battery will allow me to cast it 10 times.
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We have a saying in our field: "Magic isn't". It doesn't "just work," it doesn't respond to your thoughts, you can't throw fireballs or create a roast dinner from thin air or turn a bunch of muggers into frogs and snails.
I find it quite ... irritating, how Nature refuses to give me change for my work. If all I have on hand is Charged Crystals, even the tiniest Archer's Purification will consume the entire crystal, wasting the remaining media.
Fortunately, it seems I've found a way somewhat allay this problem.
I've found old scrolls describing a Glass Bottle infused with media. When casting Hexes, my spells would then draw media out of the phial. The liquid form of the media would let me take exact change, so to speak; nothing would be wasted. It's quite like the internal battery of a Trinket, or similar; I can even Recharge them in the same manner.
Unfortunately, the art of actually making the things seems to have been lost to time. I've found a hint at the pattern used to craft it, but the technique is irritatingly elusive, and I can't seem to do it successfully. I suspect I will figure it out with study and practice, though. For now, I will simply deal with the wasted media...
But I won't settle for it forever.
Drink the milk.
Although their names were lost to time, the old practitioners of my art seem to have identified themselves by a color, emblematic of them and their spells. It seems a special kind of pigment, offered to Nature in the right way, would "[...] paint one's thoughts in a manner pleasing to Nature, inducing a miraculous change in personal colour."
I'm not certain on the specifics of how it works, but I believe I have isolated the formulae for many different colors of pigments. To use a pigment, I hold it in one hand while casting Internalize Pigment with the other, consuming the pigment and marking my mind with its color.
The pigments seem to affect the color of the sparks of media emitted out of a staff when I cast a Hex, as well as my sentinel.
Chromatic Pigments
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Pigments in all the colors of the rainbow.
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And finally, a pigment with a color wholly unique to me.
And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet.
By infusing media into a sapling via the use of Edify Sapling, I can create what is called an Edified Tree. They tend to be tall and pointy, with ridged bark and wood that grows in a strange spiral pattern. Their leaves come in three pretty colors.
I would assume the wood would have some properties relevant to Hexcasting. But, if it does, I cannot seem to find them. For all intents and purposes it appears to be just wood, albeit of a very strange color.
I suppose for now I will use it for decoration; the full suite of standard wood blocks can be crafted from them.
Of course, I can strip them with an axe as well.
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Their smooth trunks, with white bark, gave the effect of enormous columns sustaining the weight of an immense foliage, full of shade and silence.
After being careless with the sources of my media one too many times, I have devised a tool to work around my clumsiness.
Using the delicate nature of crystallized media as a fixture for a pickaxe, I can create the Jeweler's Hammer. It acts like an Iron Pickaxe, for the most part, but can't break anything that takes up an entire block's space.
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Carefully, she cracked the half ruby, letting the spren escape.
За время моего обучения я открыл некоторые строительные блоки и вещи, которые я нахожу подходящими для декорирования. Ниже я описал способы их создания.
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Brown dye works well enough to simulate the look of an ancient scroll.
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Аметистовые плитки

Amethyst Tiles can also be made in a Stonecutter.
Blocks of Amethyst Dust (next page) will fall like sand.
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Amethyst Sconces emit light and particles, as well as a pleasing chiming sound.
Список всех рун, в использовании которых я уверен.
I've divided all the valid patterns I've found into sections based on what they do, more or less. I've written down the stroke order of the patterns as well, if I managed to find it in my studies, with the start of the pattern marked with a red dot.
If an action is cast by multiple patterns, as is the case with some, I'll write them all side-by-side.
For a few patterns, however, I was not able to find the stroke order, just the shape. I suspect the order to draw them in are out there, locked away in the ancient libraries and dungeons of the world.
In such cases I just draw the pattern without any information on the order to draw it in.
I also write the types of iota that the action will consume or modify, a "→", and the types of iota the action will create.
For example, "vector, number → vector" means the action will remove a vector and a number from the top of the stack, and then add a vector; or, put another way, will remove a number from the stack, and then modify the vector at the top of the stack. (The number needs to be on the top of the stack, with the vector right below it.)
"→ entity" means it'll just push an entity. "entity, vector →" means it removes an entity and a vector, and doesn't push anything.
Finally, if I find the little dot marking the stroke order too slow or confusing, I can press Control/Command to display a gradient, where the start of the pattern is darkest and the end is lightest. This works on scrolls and when casting, too!
Зеркало нарцисса (→ entity)
Adds me, the caster, to the stack.
Положение сущности (entity → vector)
Transforms an entity on the stack into the position of its eyes. I should probably use this on myself.
Взгляд алидады (entity → vector)
Transforms an entity on the stack into the direction it's looking in, as a unit vector.
Столкновение: стена (vector, vector → vector)
Combines two vectors (a position and a direction) into the answer to the question: If I stood at the position and looked in the direction, what block would I be looking at? Costs a negligible amount of media.
If it doesn't hit anything, the vectors will combine into Null.
A common sequence of patterns, the so-called "raycast mantra," is Mind's Reflection, Compass Purification, Mind's Reflection, Alidade Purification, Archer's Distillation. Together, they return the vector position of the block I am looking at.
Столкновение: компас (vector, vector → vector)
Like Archer's Distillation, but instead returns a vector representing the answer to the question: Which side of the block am I looking at? Costs a negligible amount of media.
More specifically, it returns the normal vector of the face hit, or a unit vector pointing perpendicular to the face.
If I am looking at a floor, it will return (0, 1, 0).
If I am looking at the south face of a block, it will return (0, 0, 1).
Столкновение: сущность (vector, vector → entity)
Like Archer's Distillation, but instead returns the entity I am looking at. Costs a negligible amount of media.
Вывод в чат (any → any)
Displays the top iota of the stack to me.
Высота сущности (entity → num)
Transforms an entity on the stack into its height.
Скорость сущности (entity → vector)
Transforms an entity on the stack into the direction in which it's moving, with the speed of that movement as that direction's magnitude.
Число (→ number)
Нет какого-то простейшего способа писать числа. Этот метод в теории является рабочим для любого числа и единственное ограничение - размер сетки.
Сначала я пишу одну из двух вариаций руны показанной на следующей странице. Далее угол следующих линий будет изменять счётчик, который начинается с 0.
Вперёд: Добавить 1
Влево: Добавить 5
Вправо: Добавить 10
Ещё левее: Умножить на 2
Ещё правее: Делить на 2.
Развернутая руна на правой части страницы используется для отрицательных чисел.
Как только руна написана число добавляется вверх стэка.
Пример 1
Руна для 10.
Пример 2
Руна для 7: 5 + 1 + 1.
Пример 3
Руна для -32: - ( 1 + 5 + 10 * 2 ).
Пример 4
Руна для 4.5: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.
Некоторые, для которых это сложно используют Счёты
Множество рун для математических операций для векторов и чисел. Аргументы написаны как "num/vec".
Сложение (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)
Выполнить сложение.
Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, складывает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.
С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и добавляет его в каждый элемент направления.
С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и складывает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка ([1, 2, 3] + [0, 4, -1] = [1, 6, 2]).
Убавление (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)
Выполнить вычитание.
Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, вычитает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.
С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и вычитает его из каждого элемента направления.
С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и вычитает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка
Во всех случаях верх стэка вычитается из второго числа в стэке.
Умножение (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)
Выполнить умножение.
With two numbers, combines them into their product.
With a number and a vector, removes the number from the stack and multiplies each component of the vector by that number.
With two vectors, combines them into their dot product.
Деление (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)
Деление или пересечение векторов.
Деление двух чисел.
С числом и вектором, убирает число и делит его на каждый элемент вектора.
С двумя векторами ищет их пересечение.WARNING: Не дели на ноль!!!
Length Purification (num/vec → number)
Посчитать abs(num) или длину вектора
Высчитывает абсолютное значение числа или длину вектора
Возведение в степень (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)
Посчитать pow(num, num) или vector projection.
With two numbers, combines them by raising the first to the power of the second.
With a number and a vector, removes the number and raises each component of the vector to the number's power.
With two vectors, combines them into the vector projection of the top of the stack onto the second-from-the-top.
In the first and second cases, the first argument or its components are the base, and the second argument or its components are the exponent.
Опущение дроби (num → num)
Убирает дробную часть числа, 4.5 -> 4
Доведение дроби (num → num)
Добивает число до потолка, 4.5 -> 5
Создать вектоа (num, num, num → vector)
Объединяет 3 числа на верху стэка в вектор XYZ (сверху вниз).
Разбить вектор (vector → num, num, num)
Делит вектор на компоненты X, Y, Z сверху вниз.
Modulus Distillation (num, num → num)
Takes the modulus of two numbers. This is the amount remaining after division - for example, 5 % 2 is 1, and 5 % 3 is 2.
Axial (vec → vec)
Скругляет вектор до ближайших значений.
Энтропийное значение (→ num)
Случайное число от 0 до 1.
True Reflection (→ bool)
Adds True to the top of the stack.
False Reflection (→ bool)
Adds False to the top of the stack.
Нуль константа (→ influence)
Adds the Null influence to the top of the stack.
Взгляд 0 (→ vector)
Adds [0, 0, 0] to the stack.
Vector Rfln. +X/-X (→ vector)
The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [1, 0, 0] to the stack; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [-1, 0, 0].
Vector Rfln. +Y/-Y (→ vector)
The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [0, 1, 0] to the stack; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [0, -1, 0].
Vector Rfln. +Z/-Z (→ vector)
The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [0, 0, 1]; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [0, 0, -1].
Значение Тау (→ num)
Adds τ, the radial representation of a complete circle, to the stack.
Значение Пифагора (→ num)
Adds π, the radial representation of half a circle, to the stack.
Значение эйлера (→ num)
Adds e, the base of natural logarithms, to the stack.
Novice's Gambit (any →)
Removes the first iota from the stack.
This seems to be a special case of Bookkeeper's Gambit.
Верхний переход (any, any → any, any)
Меняет местами 2 верхние части стэка.
Rotation Gambit (any, any, any → any, any, any)
Yanks the iota third from the top of the stack to the top. [0, 1, 2] becomes [1, 2, 0].
Rotation Gambit II (any, any, any → any, any, any)
Yanks the top iota to the third position. [0, 1, 2] becomes [2, 0, 1].
Дублировать (any → any, any)
Дублирует верх стэка.
Prospector's Gambit (any, any → any, any, any)
Copy the second-to-last iota of the stack to the top. [0, 1] becomes [0, 1, 0].
Undertaker's Gambit (any, any → any, any, any)
Copy the top iota of the stack, then put it under the second iota. [0, 1] becomes [1, 0, 1].
Множественное дублирование (any, number → many)
Removes the number at the top of the stack, then copies the top iota of the stack that number of times. (A count of 2 results in two of the iota on the stack, not three.)
Dioscuri Gambit (any, any → any, any, any, any)
Copy the top two iotas of the stack. [0, 1] becomes [0, 1, 0, 1].
Размер стэка (→ number)
Добавляет на верх стэка длину стэка. ([0, 1] -> [0, 1, 2])
Значение по индексу (number → any)
Захватывает n'ый элемент со стэка и приводит к верху стэка.
Fisherman's Gambit II (number → any)
Like Fisherman's Gambit, but instead of moving the iota, copies it.
Bookkeeper's Gambit (many → many)
An infinite family of actions that keep or remove elements at the top of the stack based on the sequence of dips and lines.
Assuming that I draw a Bookkeeper's Gambit pattern left-to-right, the number of iotas the action will require is determined by the horizontal distance covered by the pattern. From deepest in the stack to shallowest, a flat line will keep the iota, whereas a triangle dipping down will remove it.
If my stack contains 0, 1, 2 from deepest to shallowest, drawing the first pattern opposite will give me 1, the second will give me 0, and the third will give me 0, 2 (the 0 at the bottom is left untouched).
Swindler's Gambit (many, number → many)
Rearranges the top elements of the stack based on the given numerical code, which is the index of the permutation wanted.
Although I can't pretend to know the mathematics behind calculating this permutation code, I have managed to dig up an extensive chart of them, enumerating all permutations of up to six elements.
If I wish to do further study, the key word is "Lehmer Code."
Логическое НЕ (!) (any → number)
arg == 0 or Null -> return 1 else 0
Augur's Purification (any → bool)
Convert an argument to a boolean. The number 0, Null, and the empty list become False; everything else becomes True.
Логическое ИЛИ (||) (bool, bool → bool)
arg1 != Null -> return arg1 else arg2
Логическое И (&&) (bool, bool → bool)
arg1 == Null -> return Null else arg2
Логическое исключающее ИЛИ (^) (bool, bool → bool)
xor(arg1, arg2) -> non-Null else Null
Augur's Exaltation (bool, any, any → any)
If the first argument is True, keeps the second and discards the third; otherwise discards the second and keeps the third.
Логическое равенство (==) (any, any → number)
arg1 == arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Логическое неравенство (!=) (any, any → number)
arg1 != arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Логическое больше (>) (number, number → number)
arg1 > arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Логическое меньше (<) (number, number → number)
arg1 < arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Логическое больше или равно (>=) (number, number → number)
arg1 >= arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Логическое меньше или равно (<=) (number, number → number)
arg1 <= arg2 -> return 1 else 0
Обнаружение сущности (vector → entity or null)
Сущность на этом месте или null.
Обнаруж. сущн.: Животные (vector → entity or null)
Животное на этом месте или null.
Обнаруж. сущн.: Монстры (vector → entity or null)
Монстр на этом месте или null.
Обнаруж. сущн.: Предметы (vector → entity or null)
Предмет на этом месте или null.
Обнаруж. сущн.: Игроки (vector → entity or null)
Игрок на этом месте или null.
Обнаруж. сущн.: Живое (vector → entity or null)
Живое существо на этом месте или null.
Поиск по площади: Животные (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь животных около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Не животные (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не животных около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Монстры (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь монстров около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Не монстры (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не монстров около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Предметы (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь предметов около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Не предметы (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не предметов около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Игроки (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь игроков около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Не игроки (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не игроков около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Живое (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь живых существ около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Неживое (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не живых существ около позиции.
Поиск по площади: Any (vector, number → list)
Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь существ около позиции.
Выборка из очереди (list, number → any)
Remove the number at the top of the stack, then replace the list at the top with the nth element of that list (where n is the number you removed). Replaces the list with Null if the number is out of bounds.
Selection Exaltation (list, num, num → list)
Remove the two numbers at the top of the stack, then take a sublist of the list at the top of the stack between those indices, lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive. For example, the 0, 2 sublist of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] would be [0, 1].
Вступление в очередь (list, any → list)
Remove the top of the stack, then add it to the end of the list at the top of the stack.
Комбинация очередей (list, list → list)
Remove the list at the top of the stack, then add all its elements to the end of the list at the top of the stack.
Пустотная очередь (→ list)
Push an empty list to the top of the stack.
Одиночное вхождение (any → list)
Remove the top of the stack, then push a list containing only that element.
Очередные счёты (list → num)
Remove the list at the top of the stack, then push the number of elements in the list to the stack.
Очередной переполох (list → list)
Reverse the list at the top of the stack.
Locator's Distillation (list, any → num)
Remove the iota at the top of the stack, then replace the list at the top with the first index of that iota within the list (starting from 0). Replaces the list with -1 if the iota doesn't exist in the list.
Excisor's Distillation (list, num → list)
Remove the number at the top of the stack, then remove the nth element of the list at the top of the stack (where n is the number you removed).
Surgeon's Exaltation (list, num, any → list)
Remove the top iota of the stack and the number at the top, then set the nth element of the list at the top of the stack to that iota (where n is the number you removed). Does nothing if the number is out of bounds.
Множественное вступление (many, num → list)
Remove num elements from the stack, then add them to a list at the top of the stack.
Flock's Disintegration (list → many)
Remove the list at the top of the stack, then push its contents to the stack.
Speaker's Distillation (list, any → list)
Remove the top iota, then add it as the first element to the list at the top of the stack.
Speaker's Decomposition (list → list, any)
Remove the first iota from the list at the top of the stack, then push that iota to the stack.
One of the many peculiarities of this art is that patterns themselves can act as iotas-- I can even put them onto my stack when casting.
This raises a fairly obvious question: how do I express them? If I simply drew a pattern, it would hardly tell Nature to add it to my stack-- rather, it would simply be matched to an action.
Fortunately, Nature has provided me with a set of influences that I can use to work with patterns directly.
In short, Consideration lets me add one pattern to the stack, and Introspection and Retrospection let me add a whole list.
Лямбда выражение
To use Consideration, I draw it, then another arbitrary pattern. That second pattern is added to the stack.
One may find it helpful to think of this as "escaping" the pattern onto the stack, if they happen to be familiar with the science of computers.
The usual use for this is to copy the pattern to a Scroll or Slate using Scribe's Gambit, and then perhaps decorating with them.
Начало функции
Drawing Introspection makes my drawing of patterns act differently, for a time. Until I draw Retrospection, the patterns I draw are saved. Then, when I draw Retrospection, they are added to the stack as a list iota.
Конец функции
If I draw another Introspection, it'll still be saved to the list, but I'll then have to draw two Retrospections to get back to normal casting.
Also, I can escape the special behavior of Intro- and Retrospection by drawing a Consideration before them, which will simply add them to the list without affecting which the number of Retrospections I need to return to casting.
If I draw two Considerations in a row while introspecting, it will add a single Consideration to the list.
This section deals with the storage of Iotas in a more permanent medium. Nearly any iota can be stored to a suitable item, such as a Focus or Spellbook), and read back later. Certain items, such as an Abacus, can only be read from.
Iotas are usually read and written from the other hand, but it is also possible to read and write with an item when it is sitting on the ground as an item entity, or when in an item frame.
There may be other entities I can interact with in this way. For example, a Scroll hung on the wall can have its pattern read off of it.
However, it seems I am unable to save a reference to another player, only me. I suppose an entity reference is similar to the idea of a True Name; perhaps Nature is helping to keep our Names out of the hands of enemies. If I want a friend to have my Name I can make a Focus for them.
Чтение предмета (→ any)
Скопировать информацию из предмета (к примеру Талисман, Счёты или Книга знаний) в моей другой руке, и добавить на верх стэка.
Запись в предмет (any →)
Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the item in my other hand.
Чтение сущности (entity → any)
Типо , но информация читается из сущности предмета.
Chronicler's Gambit (entity, any →)
Like Scribe's Gambit, but the iota is written to an entity instead of my other hand.
Interestingly enough, it looks like I cannot write my own Name using this spell. I get a sense that I might be endangered if I could.
Проверка чтимости (→ bool)
Если прочесть информацию из другой руки можно - вернёт 1, нет - 0.
Проверка чтимости II (entity → bool)
Like Auditor's Reflection, but the readability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.
Проверка вписываемости (→ bool)
Если сохранить информацию можно - возвращает 1 если нет - 0.
Assessor's Purification (entity → bool)
Like Assessor's Reflection, but the writability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.
The Ravenmind
Items are not the only places I can store information, however. I am also able to store that information in the media of the Hex itself, much like the stack, but separate. Texts refer to this as the ravenmind. It holds a single iota, much like a Focus, and begins with Null like the same. It is preserved between iterations of Thoth's Gambit, but only lasts as long as the Hex it's a part of. Once I stop casting, the value will be lost.
Huginn's Gambit (any →)
Removes the top iota from the stack, and saves it to my ravenmind, storing it there until I stop casting the Hex.
Muninn's Reflection (→ any)
Copy the iota out of my ravenmind, which I likely just wrote with Huginn's Gambit.
Set operations are odd, in that some of them can accept two numbers or two lists, but not a combination thereof. Such arguments will be written as "num, num/list, list".
When numbers are used in those operations, they are being used as so-called binary "bitsets", lists of 1 and 0, true and false, "on" and "off".
Побитовое ИЛИ (num, num/list, list → num/list)
Unifies two sets.
As such:
With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit in either bitset.
With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list, plus every element from the second list that is not in the first list. This is similar to Combination Distillation.
Побитовое И (num, num/list, list → num/list)
Takes the intersection of two sets.
As such:
With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit present in both bitsets.
With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list that is also in the second list.
Побитовое исключающее ИЛИ (num, num/list, list → num/list)
Takes the exclusive disjunction of two sets.
As such:
With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit present in exactly one of the bitsets.
With two lists, this creates a list of every element in both lists that is not in the other list.
Побитовое НЕ (num → num)
Takes the inversion of a bitset, changing all "on" bits to "off" and vice versa. In my experience, this will take the form of that number negated and decreased by one. For example, 0 will become -1, and -100 will become 99.
Uniqueness Purification (list → list)
Removes duplicate entries from a list.
Синус (num → num)
Синус угла в радианах. Выражается в π и τ.
Косинус (num → num)
Косинус угла в радианах. Выражается в π и τ.
Тангенс (num → num)
Тангенс угла в радианах. Выражается в π and τ.
Арксинус (num → num)
Takes the inverse sine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose sine is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.
Аркосинус (num → num)
Takes the inverse cosine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose cosine is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.
Арктангенс (num → num)
Takes the inverse tangent of a value, yielding the angle whose tangent is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.
Логарифм (num, num → num)
Removes the number at the top of the stack, then takes the logarithm of the number at the top using the other number as its base. Related to the value of e.
This can be very powerful in tandem with Foci.
It also makes the bureaucracy of Nature a "Turing-complete" system, according to one esoteric scroll I found.
However, it seems there's a limit to how many times a Hex can cast itself-- Nature doesn't look kindly on runaway spells!
In addition, with the energies of the patterns occurring without me to guide them, any mishap will cause the remaining actions to become too unstable and immediately unravel.
More specifically, for each element in the second list, it will:
Create a new stack, with everything on the current stack plus that element
Draw all the patterns in the first list
Save all the iotas remaining on the stack to a list
Then, after all is said and done, pushes the list of saved iotas onto the main stack.
No wonder all the practitioners of this art go mad.
But when combined with Hermes' or Thoth's Gambits, it becomes far more interesting. Those patterns serve to 'contain' that halting, and rather than ending the entire Hex, those gambits end instead. This can be used to cause Thoth's Gambit not to operate on every iota it's given. An escape from the madness, as it were.
These patterns must be cast from a Spell Circle; trying to cast them through a Staff will fail rather spectacularly.
Зеркало путевого камня (→ vector)
Returns the position of the Impetus of this spell circle.
Взгляд путевого камня (→ vector)
Returns the direction the Impetus of this spell circle is facing as a unit vector.
Отражение меньшей стопки (→ vector)
Returns the position of the lower-north-west corner of the bounds of this spell circle.
Отражение большей стопки (→ vector)
Returns the position of the upper-south-east corner of the bounds of this spell circle.
Чтение акаши (vector, pattern → any)
Read the iota associated with the given pattern out of the Akashic Library with its Record at the given position. This has no range limit. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Запись акаши (vector, pattern, any →)
Associate the iota with the given pattern in the Akashic Library with its Record at the given position. This does have a range limit. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Руны, которые совершают магические взаимодействия с окружающим миром.
Некоторые руны, такие как Поставить блок, потребляют дополнительные предметы из инвентаря. Руна ищёт предмет для использования.
Сначала, руна ищёт первый подходящий предмет в хотбаре около Посоха.
Во вторых, руна использует самый далёкий предмет из инвентаря.
Так можно выбрать какой предмет какое заклинание будет использовать.
Взрыв (vector, number →)
Создает взрыв на месте вектора с силой данного числа.
Сила 3 как взрыв крипера; 4 как ТНТ. Больше 10 нельзя.
Стоит 1 Аметистовый осколок, и ещё Аметистовый осколок за каждую единицу силы взрыва.
Огненный взрыв (vector, number →)
Создаёт огненный взрыв на данных координатах с данной силой.
Стоит 3 Осколка аметиста, и ещё один за каждую единицу силы взрыва.
Импульс (entity, vector →)
Даёт импульс данному существу в данном направлении, сила обозначается длиной вектора.
Стоит количество Aметистовой пыли равное квадрату длины вектора.
Мини-телепорт (entity, number →)
Телепортирует существо по направлению её взгляда на данную длину.
Стоит 1 Аметистовый осколок за каждый блок.
Издать ноту (vector, number, number →)
Требует вектор и 2 числа. Проигрывает инструмент основанный на первом числе на указаной позиции, с нотой основанной на втором числе. Стоит малое количество мысли.
Существует 16 различных инструментов и 25 различных нот. Отсчёт начинается с нуля.
Это те же самые инструменты, которые может воспроизвести нотный блок.
Узнать числа разных инструментов можно используя линзу прозрения на нотном блоке.
Поставить блок (vector →)
Remove a location from the stack, then pick a block item and place it at the given location.
Costs a negligible amount of media.
Сломать блок (vector →)
Remove a location from the stack, then break the block at the given location. This spell can break nearly anything a Diamond Pickaxe can break.
Costs a bit more than one Amethyst Dust.
Вылить воды (vector →)
Summon a block of water (or insert up to a bucket's worth) into a block at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Зачерпнуть воды (vector →)
Drains either a liquid container at, or a body of liquid around, the given position. Costs about two Charged Amethyst.
Магический барьер (vector →)
Conjure an ethereal, but solid, block that sparkles with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Магический свет (vector →)
Conjure a magical light that softly glows with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Удобрить (vector →)
Encourage a plant or sapling at the target position to grow, as if Bonemeal was applied. Costs a bit more than one Amethyst Dust.
Наполнить саженец (vector →)
Forcibly infuse media into the sapling at the target position, causing it to grow into an Edified Tree. Costs about one Charged Amethyst.
Поджог (vector →)
Start a fire on top of the given location, as if a Fire Charge was applied. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Массовый поджог (vector →)
Extinguish blocks in a large area. Costs about six Amethyst Dust.
Они берут сущность и 2 или 1 число, первое - длительность, второе - уровень(от 1).
Каждый имеет обычную стоимость, она будет умножаться на уровень зелья .
According to certain legends, these spells and their sisters, the Положительные зелья, were "[...] inspired by a world near to this one, where powerful wizards would gather magic from the land and hold duels to the death. Unfortunately, much was lost in translation..."
Perhaps that is the reason for their peculiar names.
Эффект слабости (entity, number, number →)
Inflicts weakness. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 10 seconds.
Эффект левитации (entity, number →)
Inflicts levitation. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 5 seconds.
Эффект иссушения (entity, number, number →)
Inflicts withering. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per second.
Эффект отравления (entity, number, number →)
Inflicts poison. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 3 seconds.
Эффект замедления (entity, number, number →)
Inflicts slowness. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 5 seconds.
These three spells each create an item that casts a Hex.
They all require me to hold the empty item in my off-hand, and require two things: the list of patterns to be cast, and an entity representing a dropped stack of Amethyst to form the item's battery.
See this entry for more information.
Создать побрякушку (entity, list of patterns →)
Costs about one Charged Amethyst.
Создать штуковину (entity, list of patterns →)
Costs about five Charged Amethysts.
Создать амулет (entity, list of patterns →)
Costs about ten Charged Amethysts.
Перезарядка предмета (entity →)
Recharge a media-containing item in my other hand. Costs about one Amethyst Shard.
This spell is cast in a similar method to the crafting spells; an entity representing a dropped stack of Amethyst is provided, and recharges the media battery of the item in my other hand.
This spell cannot recharge the item farther than its original battery size.
Очистка предмета
Clear a Hex-containing item in my other hand. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
The spell will also void all the media stored inside the item, releasing it back to Nature and returning the item to a perfectly clean slate. This way, I can re-use Trinkets I have put an erroneous spell into, for example.
This also works to clear a Focus or Spellbook page, unsealing them in the process.
Hence, away! Now all is well,
One aloof stand sentinel.
A Sentinel is a mysterious force I can summon to assist in the casting of Hexes, like a familiar or guardian spirit. It appears as a spinning geometric shape to my eyes, but is invisible to everyone else.
It has several interesting properties:
It does not appear to be tangible; no one else can interact with it.
Once summoned, it stays in place until banished.
I am always able to see it, even through solid objects.
Поставить Метку (vector →)
Summons my sentinel at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.
Убрать Метку
Banish my sentinel, and remove it from the world. Costs a negligible amount of media.
Позиция Метки (→ vector)
Add the position of my sentinel to the stack, or Null if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of media.
Путь к Метке (vector → vector)
Transform the position vector on the top of the stack into a unit vector pointing from that position to my sentinel, or Null if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of media.
Установить оттенок
I must be holding a Pigment in my other hand to cast this spell. When I do, it will consume the dye and permanently change my mind's coloration (at least, until I cast the spell again). Costs about one Amethyst Dust.