This is the online version of the Hex Casting documentation.

This page is built from the latest code on GitHub. It may describe newer features that you may not necessarily have, even on the latest Modrinth/CurseForge version!

Entries which are blurred are spoilers. Click to reveal them, but be aware that they may spoil endgame progression. Alternatively, click here to get a version with all spoilers showing.

Рунный блокнот

Кажется я познал новый способ магического искусства, оно предпологает хаотичное написание рун. Это очаровывает. Я решил начать вести записи моих мыслей и находок.

Discord сервер(там большинство англичане)

Практикующие это искусство могут исполнять заклинания написанием странных комбинаций посохом в воздухе ( их называют рунами ) или создают могущественные магические предметы чтобы мнгновенно исполнять заклинания. Я хочу достить того же.

Аметистовая пыльМысли

Мысли это вариант ментальной энергии, привязанная к разуму. Каждое живое существо генерирует потоки мысли при мозговой активности; после окончания цикла мозговой активности, потоки мысли выделяются в окружающую среду.

Искусство Рунных заклинаний о том как использовать мысли в своих целях.

Мысли могут взаимодействовать с другими с помощью написания Мыслей в руны.

Последователи этого искусства использовали сконцентрированную сферу Мыслей на конце палки - с помощью размахивания ей в воздухе в нужных комбинациях они были способны использовать достаточно Мыслей, чтобы взаимодействовать с миром с помощью рунных заклинаний.

К сожалению даже такое живое существо как могу генерировать крайне малое количество Мыслей. Будет крайне непрактично использовать мои естественные Мысли для практики заклинаний.

Но древние текста говорят, что под землёй есть некие залежи кристализованные источники Мыслей, которые медленно пополняются.

Я бы был очень рад найти такое.

Аметистовый блокЖеоды

При копании глубоко под землёй я нашёл жеоду, которая наполнена кристализованными залежами энергии, сжимающая мой череп и мысли. Должно быть это место, о котором было написано в древних текстах. Эти криссалы аметиста должно быть содержат физическую форму Мыслей.

Похоже, в дополнение к Осколкам аметиста, которые я вижу чаще всего, эти кристалы так же могут дать мне Аметистовую пыль и Заряженные кристалы аметиста. С зачарованием удачи на кирке шанс получения заряженных кристалов выше.

При погружении в красоту жеоды я чувствую потоки ветряных Мыслей, посещающих мой разум с невероятной скоростью. Это великолепное чувство.

Наконец-таки моё погружение в эту бездну обретает некий смысл.

Мне следует перепрочесть старые текста, так как теперь я имею большее понимание с чем работаю.


Чёрт! Почему я не могу использовать эту руну?!

Свиток, который я нашёл, отвечает аутентично. Я могу почувствовать его треск в свитке - порядок верный, или настолько верный насколько есть возможность. Заклинание уже должно было исполниться.

Но кажется, что по ту сторону некая тонкая мембрана. Заклинание почти исполнилось, но что-то мешало, мне необходимо преодолеть этот барьер.

Кажется барьер ослабляется с приложенной силой заклинания; не смотря на мои усилия, мою концентрацию, мои лучшие аметисты, мои великолепные зарисовки - оно отказывается пресечь барьер. Это сводит с ума.

Неужели это конец моего обучения? Проклятие слабости, проклятие потерять мою мощь?

Мне следует глубоко вздохнуть. Мне следует сконцентрироваться на том что мешает мне...

После тщательного обдумывания я нашёл изменение в себе.

Будучи в окружении аметистов, Я научился исполнять руны используя мою энергию разума и жизни - как было написано в древних текстах.

Не знаю почему теперь я могу. Это бремя знания истины и я ношу его всегда. Я знаю. Я обременён.

К счастью, я чувствую свои пределы, с меня получилось бы около двух Заряженных кристалов аметиста Мысли из моего здоровья, разума.

Я содрагаю в понимании этого... До этого мой разум был практически цел до сей поры, в моих исследованиях. Но оказалось что я формирую одну сторону тонской связи.

Я присоединен к некой другой стороне - сторона, которая была практически истощена этой болью. Место где простые действия даруют великую славу.

Неужели так плохо хотеть этого для себя?


Тексты не лгали. Природа взяла свою положенную долю.

Это... это было...

...это были самые ужасные чувства, которые я испытывал. Я предложила природе свой план и почуствовал лёгкую улыбку и плачевное чувство взамен - часть меня, моего разума растворилась, как аметистовая пыль под дождём.

Моё выживание на грани это невероятная удача, несмотря на это мне хватает сил что писать это, следует закрыть этот вопрос, перепроверять мои расчёты и больше не допускать такой ужасающей ошибки


Но на мнгновение, часть меня... видела... нечто. Место....

И мембранный барьер, отделяющий меня от сырой реальности, наполненной лёгкой, светлой энергией Мысли. Я помню, я видел, чувствовал, вспоминал барьер, слегка трещащий на гранях.

Я хотел туда, сквозь.

Мне не следует этого делать. Я знаю, это будет слишком опасно. Мне не следует. Опасно. Попытка этого поставит меня на мост, с огромной возможностью сорваться в низ, к безумию, к смерти.

Но я так близок...Близок.

Это кульминация моих исследований. Это Прорицание, которого я искал.

Я хочу больше. Я должен испытать это снова. Я увижу это ещё раз.

Как моожно не мечтать о вечной славе, о великой силе?

Я начинаю понимать как древние мастера исполняли свои заклинания. Это довольно времезатратный проект, уверен у меня получится всё понять. Посмотрим...

Edified StaffУрок первый.

Исполнение рунных заклинаний немного сложный процесс, неудивительно, что это искусство было практически забыто. Я перепрочту мои записи тщательно.

Я могу начать писать Руну зажав Использовать/Установить с Посохом в моей руке, я увижу диагональную сетку точек в воздухе, передо мной. Дальше я могу зажимать и двигать посохом от точки до точки, чтобы писать руны в Мыслях сетки; завершение руны запустит её действие, описанное во вкладке Руны.

Как только я написал достаточное количество рун для исполнения заклинания сетка исчезнет как Мысли, которые я сохранил будут выпущены. Я также могут нажать Escape если хочу покинуть сетку заранее, если я конечно не опасаюсь некоторой ошибки, которая может привести к неприятностям ( чем больше Мыслей я использовал тем выше шанс, что последствия будут ).

Так как работают Руны? В кратце:

Руны будут испольнять...

Действия, которые используют

Стэк, являющийся очередью... Из различной


Во первых, Руны. Они основополагающие - их я использую чтобы взаимодействовать с Мыслями вокруг меня. Некоторые руны, когда написаны, совершат действия. Действия на самом деле и делают всю магию; все руны манипулируют Мыслями разными методами и если метод оканчивается чем-то полезным это называется действием.

Мысли могут быть изменчивыми: если я напишу неправильную руну то получу в результате мусор где-то в моём стэке


Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaq Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaq

Следует заметить что направление этих рун не важно. Обе этих руны исполняют действие Зеркало нарцисса

Заклинания исполняются написанием (верных) рун по очереди. Each action might do one of a few things:

Gather some information about the environment, leaving it on the top of the stack;

manipulate the info gathered (e.g. adding two numbers); or

perform some magical effect, like summoning lightning or an explosion. (These actions are called "spells.")

When I start casting a Hex, it creates an empty stack. Actions manipulate the top of that stack.

Зеркало нарцисса поместит на верх стэка информацию об игроке, который исполняет заклинание. Положение сущности возьмёт информацию о сущности с верха стэка и вернёт её положение на верх стэка.

Так что написание рун в этом порядке положит на верх стэка моё положение.

Информация может представлять такие вещи как я или моя позиция, но есть другие типы которыми я могу управлять с помощью Действий. Список типов информации:

Числа ("doubles");

Вектора ("vector") 3 числа представляющие позицию или направление

Сущности, как я, куры, вагонетки, валяющиеся предметы;


Очередь из рун, использующаяся для создания магических предметов и мозговыносящих заклинаний как заклинания, которые вызывают другие; И

Очередь с любыми типами информации

Естественно все заклинания тратят Мысли в качестве оплаты.

Как я понимаю заклинания это план действий, представленный Природе - в этой аналогии Мысли используются для соединения с Природой, передачи ей информации.

К слову, похоже никто не делал исследований по поводу того сколько Мысли хранит аметист. Осколок аметиста около пяти Аметистовой Пыли, и Заряженный кристал аметиста около 10.(br2)Достаточно странно, видимо другие формы аметиста не подходят для исполнения заклинаний. Цельные блоки кристалов и цельные кристалы слишком большие чтобы запросто конвертироваться в Мысли.

Следует отметить, что Действие потребляет Мысли сразу, а не когда заклинание окончено. Так же Действие всегда потребляет цельный предмет, к примеру, если руна требует 1 Аметистовую пыль заберёт в оплату целый Заряженный кристал аметиста, если это единственный источник Мысли в моём инвентаре.

Хорошей идеей будет брать немного пыли для заклинаний, чтобы не тратить лишнего.

Судя по древним текстам, недостаток Мысли в инвентаре для заклинания может вызвать ужасные последствия - в качестве оплаты, будет принята часть разума. Ощущения описываются как - слабость, жуткая боль, страдания, растворение плоти..."
Вероятно из-за этого все последователи этой магии сошли с ума. Я не могу представить себе плавление частей моего разума.

Возможно что-то поменялось, наверное. В моих экспериментах у меня не получалось потратить больше Мысли чем есть у меня в виде аметистов, будто что-то оберегает меня.

Было бы интересно достичь дна этой мистики, но сейчас что-то оберегает меня...

I have also found an amusing tidbit on why so many practitioners of magic in general seem to go mad, which I may like as some light and flavorful reading not canonical to my world.

Content Warning: some body horror and suggestive elements.

Goblin Punch

Похоже, все руны имеют ограничение в дистанции работы, около 32 блоков радиуса, если попытаться активировать заклинание за пределами этого круга руна не сработает.

СтрелаA Primer on Vectors

It seems I will need to be adroit with vectors if I am to get anywhere in my studies. I have compiled some resources here on vectors if I find I do not know how to work with them.

First off, an enlightening video on the topic.


Additionally, it seems that the mages who manipulated Psi energy (the so-called "spellslingers"), despite their poor naming sense, had some quite-effective lessons on vectors to teach their acolytes. I've taken the liberty of linking to one of their texts on the next page.

They seem to have used different language for their spellcasting:

A "Spell Piece" was their name for an action;

a "Trick" was their name for a spell; and

an "Operator" was their name for a non-spell action.

Link here.

Psi Codex

ОтравлениеОшибки и последствия

Я не идеален, я делаю ошибки время от времени во время обучения и исполнения заклинаний; например если допустить ошибку в написании руны или использовать руну без нужных аргументов. Ошибки не прощаются, допуская ошибку я получу неприятности.

Неверная руна будет подсвечена красным на сетке. Основываясь на типе ошибки можно ожидать различные эффекты и разноцветные искорки.

Так же я получу полезное сообщение в чате ( грядёт обновление и это вырежут!).

Fortunately, although the bad effects of mishaps are certainly annoying, none of them are especially destructive in the long term. Nothing better to do than dust myself off and try again ... but I should strive for better anyways.

Following is a list of mishaps I have compiled.

Invalid Pattern

The pattern drawn is not associated with any action.

Causes yellow sparks, and a Garbage will be pushed to the top of my stack.

Not Enough Iotas

The action required more iotas than were on the stack.

Causes light gray sparks, and as many Garbages as would be required to fill up the argument count will be pushed.

Incorrect Iota

The action that was executed expected an iota of a certain type for an argument, but it got something invalid. If multiple iotas are invalid, the error message will only tell me about the error deepest in the stack.

Causes dark gray sparks, and the invalid iota will be replaced with Garbage.

Vector Out of Ambit

The action tried to affect the world at a point that was out of my range.

Causes magenta sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending location.

Entity Out of Ambit

The action tried to affect an entity that was out of my range.

Causes pink sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.

Entity is Immune

The action tried to affect an entity that cannot be altered by it.

Causes blue sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.

Mathematical Error

The action did something offensive to the laws of mathematics, such as dividing by zero.

Causes red sparks, pushes a Garbage to my stack, and my mind will be ablated, stealing half the vigor I have remaining. It seems that Nature takes offense to such operations, and divides me in retaliation.

Incorrect Item

The action requires some sort of item, but the item I supplied was not suitable.

Causes brown sparks. If the offending item was in my hand, it will be flung to the floor. If it was in entity form, it will be flung in the air.

Incorrect Block

The action requires some sort of block at a target location, but the block supplied was not suitable.

Causes bright green sparks, and causes an ephemeral explosion at the given location; it will harm me and others, but will not destroy any blocks.

Hasty Retrospection

I attempted to draw Retrospection without first drawing Introspection.

Causes orange sparks, and pushes the pattern for Retrospection to the stack as a pattern iota.

Delve Too Deep

Evaluated too many spells with meta-evaluation from one spell.

Causes dark blue sparks, and chokes all the air out of me.

Transgress Other

Я попытался сохранить информацию о другом игроке.

Вызывает чёрные искрыs, and robs me of my sight for approximately one minute.

Disallowed Action

I tried to cast an action that has been disallowed by a server administrator.

Causes black sparks.

Catastrophic Failure

A bug in the mod caused an iota of an invalid type or otherwise caused the spell to crash. Please open a bug report!

Causes black sparks.


A Stack, also known as a "LIFO", is a concept borrowed from computer science. In short, it's a collection of things designed so that you can only interact with the most recently used thing.

Think of a stack of plates, where new plates are added to the top: if you want to interact with a plate halfway down the stack, you have to remove the plates above it in order to get ahold of it.

Because a stack is so simple, there's only so many things you can do with it:

Adding something to it, known formally as pushing,

Removing the last added element, known as popping, or

Examining or modifying the last added element, known as peeking.
We call the last-added element the "top" of the stack, in accordance with the dinner plate analogy.

As an example, if we push 1 to a stack, then push 2, then pop, the top of the stack is now 1.

Actions are (on the most part) restricted to interacting with the casting stack in these ways. They will pop some iotas they're interested in (known as "arguments" or "parameters"), process them, and push some number of results.

Of course, some actions (e.g. Mind's Reflection) might pop no arguments, and some actions (particularly spells) might push nothing afterwards.

Even more complicated actions can be expressed in terms of pushing, popping, and peeking. For example, Jester's Gambit swaps the top two items of the stack. This can be thought of as popping two items and pushing them in opposite order. For another, Gemini Decomposition duplicates the top of the stack-- in other words, it peeks the stack and pushes a copy of what it finds.

БиркаNaming Actions

The names given to actions by the ancients were certainly peculiar, but I think there's a certain kind of logic to them.

There seem to be certain groups of actions with common names, named for the number of iotas they remove from and add to the stack.

A Reflection pops nothing and pushes one iota.

A Purification pops one and pushes one.

A Distillation pops two and pushes one.

An Exaltation pops three or more and pushes one.

A Decomposition pops one argument and pushes two.

A Disintegration pops one and pushes three or more.

Finally, a Gambit pushes or pops some other number (or rearranges the stack in some other manner).

Spells seem to be exempt from this nomenclature and are more or less named after what they do-- after all, why call it a Demoman's Gambit when you could just say Explosion?

Подзорная трубаInfluences

Influences are ... strange, to say the least. Whereas most iotas seem to represent something about the world, influences represent something more... abstract, or formless.

For example, one influence I've named Null seems to represent nothing at all. It's created when there isn't a suitable answer to a question asked, such as an Archer's Distillation facing the sky.

In addition, I've discovered a curious triplet of influences I've named Consideration, Introspection, and Retrospection. I can use these to add patterns to my stack as iotas, instead of matching them to actions. My notes on the subject are here.

Finally, there seems to be an infinite family of influences that just seem to be a tangled mess of media. I've named them Garbage, as they are completely useless. They seem to appear in my stack at random, like pests, when I drawn an invalid pattern. Turning my (admittedly very poor) ethereal senses towards them, I see only a nonsense jumble.

ОгнивоEnlightened Mishaps

I have discovered new and horrifying modes of failure. I must not succumb to them.

Inert Mindflay

Attempted to flay the mind of something that I have either already used, or of a character not suitable for the target block.

Causes dark green sparks, and kills the subject. If a villager sees that, I doubt they would look on it favorably.

Lack Spell Circle

Tried to cast an action requiring a spell circle without a spell circle.

Causes light blue sparks, and upends my inventory onto the ground.

Lack Akashic Record

Tried to access an Akashic Record at a location where there isn't one.

Causes purple sparks, and steals away some of my experience.

Я посвящаю эту секцию загадочным предметам, которые я обнаружил в ходе моего обучения.

Похоже множество этих предметов используется при совместном удержании с посохом. Думаю мне следует тщательно выбирать что находится в моей неведущей руке.

Осколок аметистаАметист

Spotlight inventory slot Аметистовая пыль

It seems that I'll find three different forms of amethyst when breaking a crystal inside a geode. The smallest denomination seems to be a small pile of shimmering dust, worth a relatively small amount of media.

Spotlight inventory slot Осколок аметиста

The second is a whole shard of amethyst, of the type non-Hexcasters might be used to. This has about as much media inside as five Amethyst Dust.

Spotlight inventory slot Заряженный осколок аметиста

Finally, I'll rarely find a large crystal crackling with energy. This has about as much media inside as ten units of Amethyst Dust (or two Amethyst Shards).

The old man sighed and raised a hand toward the fire. He unlocked a part of his brain that held the memories of the mountains around them. He pulled the energies from those lands, as he learned to do in Terisia City with Drafna, Hurkyl, the archimandrite, and the other mages of the Ivory Towers. He concentrated, and the flames writhed as they rose from the logs, twisting upon themselves until they finally formed a soft smile.

Oak StaffStaff

Посох это моя точка входа в использовании рун всех типов. Если держать его в руке и нажать Использовать/Установить, я начну писать руну; тогда я смогу зажать любую кнопку мыши чтобы писать руны.

Это нечто большее чем просто кусок мысли на конце палки; в конечном счётё это всё что нужно.


Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Oak Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Дубовые доски
Oak Staff
Spruce Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Еловые доски
Spruce Staff
Birch Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Берёзовые доски
Birch Staff
Jungle Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Доски из тропического дерева
Jungle Staff
Acacia Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Акациевые доски
Acacia Staff
Dark Oak Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Доски из тёмного дуба
Dark Oak Staff
Crimson Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Багровые доски
Crimson Staff
Warped Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Искажённые доски
Warped Staff
Edified Staff
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Edified Planks
Edified Staff

Посох можно создать из различных видов дерева и он будет выглядеть по-разному, это не влияет на руны

Линза прозренияЛинза прозрения

Мысли могут иметь эффект на любом типе информации, в особых условиях. Покрытие стекляшки тонкий слоем из мыслей может помочь узнать множество нового.

Удерживая Линзу прозрения в моей руке, некоторые блоки будут показывать дополнительную информацию когда я смотрю на них.

К примеру, смотря на редстоун пылинку я увижу силу её сигнала. Я предполагаю, что узнаю множество других блоков, с которыми взаимодействует линза.

В дополнение, удерживая её при написании рун сильно уменьшит расстояние между точками на рунной сетке, что позволит мне написать куда больше рун.

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Линза прозрения
Аметистовая пыль
Линза прозрения

You must learn... to see what you are looking at.


Талисман может хранить одну единицу информации.

При создании она имеет внутри Null абстракцию. Используя Scribe's Gambit while holding a Focus in my other hand will remove the top of the stack and save it into the Focus. Using Запись в предмет можно сохранить любую информацию в Талисман и добавить её в стэк позже.

Вероятно я могу хранить целую очередь из рун в Талисмане, а затем вызывать их и использовать с помощью . Таким образом я могу исполнять комплексные заклинани, или части заклинаний, без необходимости постоянно их писать.

Думаю я могу сильно укоротить заклинания, положив часто встречающиеся очереди рун в Талисман, например быстрый доступ к координатам блока на который я смотрю.

Также, если я сохраню сущность в Талисмане и попробую получить её после того как сущность погибла или исчезла Чтение из предмета вернёт Null абстракцию заместо сущности.

С помощью медовых сот я могу защитить талисман от случайной перезаписи. Попытавшись использоватоь Запись в предмет на залипшем талисмане провалится.

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Светокаменная пыль Tag: Glowstone Dusts
Светокаменная пыль Tag: Glowstone Dusts
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Светокаменная пыль Tag: Glowstone Dusts
Светокаменная пыль Tag: Glowstone Dusts

Poison apples, poison worms.

Рунные счётыСчёты

Числа могут быть выражены не только с помощью рун, старые мастера рунного ремесла создали предмет, позволяющий быстро получать числа с помощью Счётов. Просто установить число на счётах и прочесть его с помощью Чтения из предмета, будто я получаю информацию из Талисмана.

Чтобы управлять счётами, нужно держать их, присесть и использовать колесо мыши. В основной руке число будет изменяться на 1 или 10 если я удерживаю Ctrl(Command для Эпл). В другой руке число измениться на 0.1 или 0.001.

Я могу встрясти счёты чтобы вернуть их к 0 с помощью приседания+правая кнопка мыши.

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Рунные счёты
Tag: Доски Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Осколок аметиста
Tag: Доски Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Осколок аметиста
Tag: Доски Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Осколок аметиста
Tag: Доски Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Рунные счёты

Mathematics? That's for eggheads!

Книга знанийКнига заклинаний

A Spellbook is the culmination of my art-- it acts like an entire library of Foci.

Each page can hold a single iota, and I can select the active page (the page that iotas are saved to and copied from) by sneak-scrolling while holding it, or simply holding it in my off-hand and scrolling while casting a Hex.

Wizards love words. Most of them read a great deal, and indeed one strong sign of a potential wizard is the inability to get to sleep without reading something first.

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Книга знаний
Кусочек золота Tag: Золотые самородки
Книга и перо
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Кусочек золота Tag: Золотые самородки
Плод хоруса
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Кусочек золота Tag: Золотые самородки
Книга и перо
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Книга знаний

Wizards love words. Most of them read a great deal, and indeed one strong sign of a potential wizard is the inability to get to sleep without reading something first.


A Scroll is a convenient method of sharing a pattern with others. I can copy a pattern onto one with Scribe's Gambit, after which it will display in a tooltip.

I can also place them on the wall as decoration, like a Painting. Using Amethyst Dust on such a scroll will have it display the stroke order.

In addition, I can also find so-called Ancient Scrolls in the dungeons and strongholds of the world. These contain the stroke order of Great Spells, powerful magicks rumored to be too powerful for the hands and minds of mortals...

If those "mortals" couldn't cast them, I'm not sure they deserve to know them.

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Small Scroll
Осколок аметиста
Small Scroll
Medium Scroll
Осколок аметиста
Medium Scroll
Осколок аметиста

I write upon clean white parchment with a sharp quill and the blood of my students, divining their secrets.

Blank SlateSlates

Slates are similar to Scrolls; I can copy a pattern to them and place them in the world to display the pattern.

However, I have read vague tales of grand assemblies of Slates, used to cast great rituals more powerful than can be handled by a Посох.

Perhaps this knowledge will be revealed to me with time. But for now, I suppose they make a quaint piece of decor.

At the least, they can be placed on any side of a block, unlike Scrolls.

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Blank Slate
Аметистовая пыль
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Blank Slate

This is the letter "a." Learn it.

This is the letter "a." Learn it.

АмулетHexcasting Items

Although the flexibility that casting Hexes "on the go" with my Посох is quite helpful, it's a huge pain to have to wave it around repeatedly just to accomplish a common task. If I could save a common spell for later reuse, it would simplify things a lot-- and allow me to share my Hexes with friends, too.

To do this, I can craft one of three types of magic items: Cyphers, Trinkets, or Artifacts. All of them hold the patterns of a given Hex inside, along with a small battery containing media.

Simply holding one and pressing Использовать/Установить will cast the patterns inside, as if the holder had cast them out of a Посох, using its internal battery.

Each item has its own quirks:

Cyphers are single-use, destroyed after the Hex is cast;

Trinkets can be cast as much as the holder likes, as long as there's enough media left, but become useless afterwards;

Artifacts are the most powerful of all-- after their media is depleted, they can use Amethyst from the holder's inventory to pay for the Hex, just as I do when casting with a Посох. Of course, this also means the spell might consume their mind if there's not enough Amethyst.

Once I've made an empty magic item in a mundane crafting bench, I infuse the Hex into it using (what else but) a spell appropriate to the item. I've catalogued the patterns here.

Each infusion spell requires an entity and a list of patterns on the stack. The entity must be a media-holding item entity (i.e. amethyst crystals, dropped on the ground); the entity is consumed and forms the battery.

Usefully, it seems that the media in the battery is not consumed in chunks as it is when casting with a Посох-- rather, the media "melts down" into one continuous pool. Thus, if I store a Hex that only costs one Amethyst Dust's worth of mana, a Charged Crystal used as the battery will allow me to cast it 10 times.

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Медный слиток Tag: Медные слитки
Медный слиток Tag: Медные слитки
Аметистовая пыль
Медный слиток Tag: Медные слитки
Медный слиток Tag: Медные слитки
Железный слиток Tag: Железные слитки
Железный слиток Tag: Железные слитки
Осколок аметиста
Железный слиток Tag: Железные слитки
Железный слиток Tag: Железные слитки

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Золотой слиток Tag: Золотые слитки
Золотой слиток Tag: Золотые слитки
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Золотой слиток Tag: Золотые слитки
Tag: Музыкальные пластинки

We have a saying in our field: "Magic isn't". It doesn't "just work," it doesn't respond to your thoughts, you can't throw fireballs or create a roast dinner from thin air or turn a bunch of muggers into frogs and snails.

Бутыль мыслейPhials of Media

I find it quite ... irritating, how Nature refuses to give me change for my work. If all I have on hand is Charged Crystals, even the tiniest Archer's Purification will consume the entire crystal, wasting the remaining media.

Fortunately, it seems I've found a way somewhat allay this problem.

I've found old scrolls describing a Glass Bottle infused with media. When casting Hexes, my spells would then draw media out of the phial. The liquid form of the media would let me take exact change, so to speak; nothing would be wasted. It's quite like the internal battery of a Trinket, or similar; I can even Recharge them in the same manner.

Unfortunately, the art of actually making the things seems to have been lost to time. I've found a hint at the pattern used to craft it, but the technique is irritatingly elusive, and I can't seem to do it successfully. I suspect I will figure it out with study and practice, though. For now, I will simply deal with the wasted media...

But I won't settle for it forever.

Spotlight inventory slot Бутыль мыслей

Drink the milk.


Although their names were lost to time, the old practitioners of my art seem to have identified themselves by a color, emblematic of them and their spells. It seems a special kind of pigment, offered to Nature in the right way, would "[...] paint one's thoughts in a manner pleasing to Nature, inducing a miraculous change in personal colour."

I'm not certain on the specifics of how it works, but I believe I have isolated the formulae for many different colors of pigments. To use a pigment, I hold it in one hand while casting Internalize Pigment with the other, consuming the pigment and marking my mind with its color.

The pigments seem to affect the color of the sparks of media emitted out of a staff when I cast a Hex, as well as my sentinel.

Chromatic Pigments

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Белый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Белый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Оранжевый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Оранжевый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Пурпурный оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Пурпурный краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Голубой оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Голубой краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Жёлтый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Жёлтый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Светло-зеленый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Лаймовый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Розовый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Розовый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Серый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Серый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Светло-серый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Светло-серый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Бирюзовый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Бирюзовый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Фиолетовый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Фиолетовый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Синий оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Синий краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Коричневый оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Коричневый краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Зелёный оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Зелёный краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Красный оттенок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Красный краситель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль

Pigments in all the colors of the rainbow.

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Agender Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Aroace Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Семена пшеницы
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Aromantic Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Asexual Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Bisexual Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Demiboy Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Рудное железо
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Demigirl Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Рудная медь
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Gay Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Ограда из каменного кирпича
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Genderfluid Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Ведро воды
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Genderqueer Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Intersex Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Lesbian Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Пчелиные соты
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Non-Binary Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Блок мха
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Pansexual Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Морковь Skillet
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Plural Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Редстоуновый повторитель
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Transgender Pigment
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Оттенок души
Осколок аметиста
Аметистовая пыль

And finally, a pigment with a color wholly unique to me.

And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet.

Edified LogEdified Trees

By infusing media into a sapling via the use of Edify Sapling, I can create what is called an Edified Tree. They tend to be tall and pointy, with ridged bark and wood that grows in a strange spiral pattern. Their leaves come in three pretty colors.

I would assume the wood would have some properties relevant to Hexcasting. But, if it does, I cannot seem to find them. For all intents and purposes it appears to be just wood, albeit of a very strange color.

I suppose for now I will use it for decoration; the full suite of standard wood blocks can be crafted from them.

Of course, I can strip them with an axe as well.

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Edified Planks
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Edified Planks
Edified Wood
Edified Log
Edified Log
Edified Log
Edified Log
Edified Wood
Edified Stairs
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Stairs
Edified Slab
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Slab
Edified Panel
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Panel
Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Tile
Edified Door
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Door
Edified Trapdoor
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Trapdoor
Edified Button
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Button
Edified Pressure Plate
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Edified Pressure Plate

Their smooth trunks, with white bark, gave the effect of enormous columns sustaining the weight of an immense foliage, full of shade and silence.

Jeweler's HammerJeweler's Hammer

After being careless with the sources of my media one too many times, I have devised a tool to work around my clumsiness.

Using the delicate nature of crystallized media as a fixture for a pickaxe, I can create the Jeweler's Hammer. It acts like an Iron Pickaxe, for the most part, but can't break anything that takes up an entire block's space.

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Jeweler's Hammer
Железный слиток Tag: Железные слитки
Осколок аметиста
Кусочек железа Tag: Железные самородки
Палка Tag: Wood Sticks
Палка Tag: Wood Sticks
Jeweler's Hammer

Carefully, she cracked the half ruby, letting the spren escape.

Бумага древних свитковДекорации

За время моего обучения я открыл некоторые строительные блоки и вещи, которые я нахожу подходящими для декорирования. Ниже я описал способы их создания.

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Блок скрижали
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Аметистовая пыль
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Глубинный сланец
Блок скрижали
Блок скрижали
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Блок скрижали
Свиточная бумага
Осколок аметиста
Свиточная бумага
Бумага древних свитков
Коричневый краситель Tag: Brown Dye Tag: Коричневые красители
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Свиточная бумага
Бумага древних свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Свиточная бумага
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги древних свитков
Бумага древних свитков
Фонарь из бумаги древних свитков
Фонарь из бумаги древних свитков
Коричневый краситель Tag: Brown Dye Tag: Коричневые красители
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги свитков
Фонарь из бумаги древних свитков

Brown dye works well enough to simulate the look of an ancient scroll.

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Аметистовые плитки
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовый блок
Аметистовые плитки

Amethyst Tiles can also be made in a Stonecutter.

Blocks of Amethyst Dust (next page) will fall like sand.

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Аметистовый песок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовый песок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовый песок
Аметистовая пыль
Аметистовая свеча
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Медный слиток Tag: Медные слитки
Аметистовая свеча

Amethyst Sconces emit light and particles, as well as a pleasing chiming sound.

I have seen... so much. I have... experienced... annihilation and deconstruction and reconstruction. I have seen the atoms of the world screaming as they were inverted and subverted and demoted to energy. I have seen I have seen I have sget stick bugged lmao

Звезда НезераThe Work

I have seen so many things. Unspeakable things. Innumerable things. I could write three words and turn my mind inside-out and smear my brains across the shadowed walls of my skull to decay into fluff and nothing.

I have seen staccato-needle patterns and acid-etched schematics written on the inside of my eyelids. They smolder there-- they dance, they taunt, they ache. I'm possessed by an intense need to draw them, create them. Form them. Liberate them from the gluey shackles of my mortal mind-- present them in their Glory to the world for all to see.

All shall see.

All will see.

Череп визер-скелетаOn the Flaying of Minds

A secret was revealed to me. I saw it. I cannot forget its horror. The idea skitters across my brain.

I belived-- oh, foolishly, I believed --that Media is the spare energy left over by thought. But now I know what it is: the energy of thought.

It is produced by thinking sentience and allows sentience to think. It is a knot tying that braids into its own string. The Entity I naively anthromorphized as Nature is simply a grand such tangle, or perhaps the set of all tangles, or ... if I think it hurts I have so many synapses and all of them can think pain at once ALL OF THEM CAN SEE

I am not holding on. My notes. Quickly.

The villagers of this world have enough consciousness left to be extracted. Place it into a block, warp it, change it. Intricate patterns caused by different patterns of thought, the abstract neural pathways of their jobs and lives mapped into the cold physic of solid atoms.

This is what Flay Mind does, the extraction. Target the villager entity and the destination block. Ten Charged Crystals for this perversion of will.

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Цветущий аметист
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Ремесленник Крестьянин
Герой деревни Villager must be a Ремесленник or higher
Аметистовый блок
Цветущий аметист

And an application. For this flaying, any sort of villager will do, if it has developed enough. Other recipes require more specific types. NO MORE must I descend into the hellish earth for my media.

МагнетитSpell Circles

I KNOW what the slates are for. The grand assemblies lost to time. The patterns scribed on them can be actuated in sequence, automatically. Thought and power ricocheting through, one by one by one by one by one by through and through and THROUGH AND -- I must not I must not I should know better than to think that way.

To start the ritual I need an Impetus to create a self-sustaining wave of media. That wave travels along a track of slates or other blocks suitable for the energies, one by one, collecting any patterns it finds. Once the wave circles back around to the Impetus, all the patterns encountered are cast in order.

The direction the media exits any given block MUST be unambiguous, or the casting will fail at the block with too many neighbors.

As a result, the outline of the spell "circle" may be any closed shape, concave or convex, and it may face any direction. In fact, with the application of certain other blocks it is possible to make a spell circle that spans all three dimensions. I doubt such an oddity has very much use, but I must allocate myself a bit of vapid levity to encourage my crude mind to continue my work.

Miracle of miracles, the circle will withdraw media neither from my inventory nor my mind. Instead, crystallized shards of media must be provided to the Impetus via hopper, or other such artifice.

The application of a Scrying Lens will show how much media is inside an Impetus, in units of dust.

However, a spell cast from a circle does have one major limitation: it is unable to affect anything outside of the circle's bounds. That is, it cannot interact with anything outside of the cuboid of minimum size which encloses every block composing it (so a concave spell circle can still affect things in the concavity).

There is also a limit on the number of blocks the wave can travel through before it disintegrates, but it is large enough I doubt I will have any trouble.

Conversely, there are some actions that can only be cast from a circle. Fortunately, none of them are spells; they all seem to deal with components of the circle itself. My notes on the subject are here.

I also found a sketch of a spell circle used by the ancients buried in my notes. Facing this page is my (admittedly poor) copy of it.

The patterns there would have been executed counter-clockwise, starting with Mind's Reflection and ending with Greater Teleport.

Teleportation Circle

Teleportation Circle

Toolsmith ImpetusImpetuses

The fluctuation of media required to actuate a spell circle is complex. Even the mortal with sharpest eyes and steadiest hands could not serve as an Impetus and weave media into the self-sustaining ourobouros required.

The problem is that the mind is too full of other useless garbage.

At a ... metaphysical level-- I must be careful with these thoughts, I cannot lose myself, I have become too valuable --moving media moves the mind, and the mind must be moved for the process to work. But, the mind is simply too heavy with other thoughts to move nimbly enough.

It is like an artisan trying to repair a watch while wearing mittens.

There are several solutions to this conundrum: through meditative techniques one can learn to blank the mind, although I am not certain a mind free enough to actuate a circle can concentrate hard enough to do the motions.

Certain unsavory compounds can create a similar effect, but I know nothing of them and do not plan to learn. I must not rely on the chemicals of my brain.

The solution I aim for, then, is to specialize a mind. Remove it from the tyranny of nerves, clip all outputs but delicate splays of media-manipulating apparati, cauterize all inputs but the signal to start its work.

The process of mindflaying I am now familiar with will do excellently; the mind of a villager is complex enough to do the work, but not so complex as to resist its reformation.

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Empty Impetus
Блок скрижали
Блок скрижали
Железные прутья
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Железные прутья
Блок скрижали
Блок скрижали
Empty Impetus

First, the cradle. Although it does not work as an Impetus, the flow of media in a circle will only exit out the side pointed to by the arrows. This allows me to change the plane in which the wave flows, for example.

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Toolsmith Impetus
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Подмастерье Инструментальщик
Герой деревни Villager must be a Подмастерье Инструментальщик or higher
Empty Impetus
Toolsmith Impetus

Then, to transpose the mind. Villagers of different professions will lend different actuation conditions to the resulting Impetus. A Toolsmith Impetus activates on a simple Использовать/Установить.

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Cleric Impetus
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Подмастерье Священник
Герой деревни Villager must be a Подмастерье Священник or higher
Empty Impetus
Cleric Impetus

A Cleric Impetus must be bound to a player by using an item with a reference to that player, like a Focus, on the block. Then, it activates when receiving a redstone signal.

Peculiarly to this Impetus, the bound player, as well as a small region around them, are always accessible to the spell circle. It's as if they were standing within the bounds of the circle, no matter how far away they might stand.

The bound player is shown when looking at a Cleric Impetus through a Scrying Lens.

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Fletcher Impetus
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Подмастерье Лучник
Герой деревни Villager must be a Подмастерье Лучник or higher
Empty Impetus
Fletcher Impetus

A Fletcher Impetus activates when looked at for a short time.

Mason DirectrixDirectrices

Simpler than the task of creating a self-sustaining wave of media is the task of directing it. Ordinarily the wave disintegrates when coming upon a crossroads, but with a mind to guide it, an exit direction can be controlled.

This manipulation is not nearly so fine as the delicacy of actuating a spell circle. In fact, it might be possible to do it by hand... but the packaged minds I have access to now would be so very convenient.

A Directrix accepts a wave of media and determines to which of the arrows it will exit from, depending on the villager mind inside.

I am not certain if this idea was bestowed upon me, or if my mind is bent around the barrier enough to splint off its own ideas now... but if the idea came from my own mind, if I thought it, can it be said it was bestowed? The brain is a vessel for the mind and the mind is a vessel for ideas and the ideas vessel thought and thought sees all and knows all-- I MUST N O T

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Empty Directrix
Редстоуновый компаратор
Блок скрижали
Блок скрижали
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Блок скрижали
Блок скрижали
Редстоуновый компаратор
Empty Directrix

Firstly, a design for the cradle ... although, perhaps "substrate" would be more accurate a word. Without a mind guiding it, the output direction is determined by microscopic fluctuations in the media wave and surroundings, making it effectively random.

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Mason Directrix
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Новичок Каменщик
Герой деревни Villager must be a Новичок Каменщик or higher
Empty Directrix
Mason Directrix

A Mason Directrix switches output side based on a redstone signal. Without a signal, the exit is the media-color side; with a signal, the exit is the redstone-color side.

Запись акашиAkashic Libraries

I KNOW SO MUCH it is ONLY RIGHT to have a place to store it all. Information can be stored in books but it is oh so so so so slow to write by hand and read by eye. I demand BETTER. And so I shall MAKE better.

... I am getting worse ... do not know if I have time to write everything bursting through my head before expiring.

The library. Here. My plans.

Like how patterns are associated with actions, I can associate my own patterns with iotas in any way I choose. An Akashic Record controls the library, and each Akashic Bookshelf stores one pattern mapped to one iota. These must all be directly connected together, touching, within 32 blocks. An Akashic Ligature doesn't do anything but count as a connecting block, to extend the size of my library.

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Запись акаши
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Мастер Библиотекарь
Герой деревни Villager must be a Мастер Библиотекарь or higher
Akashic Ligature
Запись акаши

Allocating and assigning patterns is simple but oh so boring. I have better things to do. I will need a mind well-used to its work for the extraction to stay sound.

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Книжный шкаф акаши
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Книжный шкаф акаши
Akashic Ligature
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Заряженный осколок аметиста
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Tag: Edified Logs Edified Log Stripped Edified Log Edified Wood Stripped Edified Wood
Akashic Ligature

Then to operate the library is simple, the patterns are routed through the librarian and it looks them up and returns the iota to you. Two actions do the work. Notes here.

Using an empty scroll on a bookshelf copies the pattern there onto the scroll. Sneaking and using an empty hand clears the datum in the shelf.

I have uncovered some letters and text not of direct relevance to my art. But, I think I may be able to divine some of the history of the world from these. Let me see...

Lore FragmentCardamom Steles, #1

Full title: Letter from Cardamom Steles to Her Father, #1

Dear Papa,
Every day it seems I have more reason to thank you for saving up to send me to the Grand Library. The amount I am learning is incredible! I feel I don't have the skill with words needed to express myself fully... it is wonderful to be here.

I sit in the main dome as I write this. It's maintained by the Hexcasting Corps; they have some sort of peculiar mechanism at the top that captures the stray thought energy as it leaks out from the desks and desks of hard-working students, as I understand it. One of my friends in the dormitory, Amanita, is studying the subject, and oh how she loves to explain it to me at length, although I confess I do not understand it very well.

The way I understand it, our processes of thought--the intangible mechanisms by which I move my pen and by which you read this letter--are not completely efficient. A small amount of that energy is released into the environment, like how a wagon's axle is hot to the touch after it has been turning for a while. This spare energy is called "media." One person's spare media is trifiling, but the hundreds of thinking people in the main dome have a sort of multiplicative effect, and combined with some sort of ingenious mechanism, it can be solidified into a sort of purple crystal.

But that's enough about her studies. I returned from my first expedition with the Geology Corps today! My apologies for not sending a letter before I left; the date crept up on me. We ventured into a crack in the earth to the east of the Grand and spent the night camping under the rock and soil. We kept to well-lit and well-traveled areas of the cave, of course, and in all honesty it was likely safer in there than the night surface, but oh how I was scared!

Fortunately the night passed without mishap, and we proceeded deeper into the cave for our examination of the local veins of ore. We were looking for trace veins of a purple crystal called "amethyst," which supposedly occurs in small amounts deep in the rock. We did not find anything, sadly, and returned to the sunlit surface empty-handed.

Come to think of it, the description of this "amethyst" I now realize closely matches those crystals of media Amanita speaks of. Imagine if these nuggets of thought occurred naturally under the ground! I can't imagine why that might happen, though...

As a student, I am entitled to send one letter by Akashic post every three months, free of charge. Unfortunately, you know how thin my moneybags are ... so I am afraid this offer is the only method I may communicate with you. I will of course appreciate immensely if you manage to scrounge together the money to send a letter back, but it seems our communications may be limited. I hate to be cut off from you so, but the skills I gain here will be more than repayment. Imagine, I will be the first member of our family to be anything other than a farmer!

So, I suppose I will write again in three months' time.

-- Cardamom Steles

Lore FragmentCardamom Steles, #2

Full title: Letter from Cardamom Steles to Her Father, #2

Dear Papa,
... Goodness, what an ordeal it is to try to summarize the last three months into a short letter. Such a cruel task set before me by this miracle I receive entirely for free! Woe is me.

My studies with the Geology Corps have been progressing smoothly. We have gone on more expeditions, deeper into the earth, to where the smooth gray stone makes way to a hard, flaky slate. It creates such an awful, choking dust under your feet... it's incredible what hostility there is below all of our feet all the time, even disregarding the creatures of the dark. (I have had one or two encounters with them, but I know how you shudder to think of me having to fight for my life, so I will not write of them.)

We did manage to find some of this amethyst, however. There was a small vein with a few trace crystals on one of our expeditions. We were under strict instructions to keep none of them and turn them in to our Corps prefect immediately. I find the whole affair rather ridiculous; they treat it like some matter of enormous importance and secrecy, and yet have a group of a dozen students, all barely six months at the Grand Library, trying to excavate barely ten drams of the stuff with twelve prospector's picks in a square foot...

I cannot imagine for what purpose, either. A librarian pointed me to an encyclopedia of gems, and amethyst seems to have next to no purpose; it's used for certain specialty types of glass and lenses, of all things.

If I were to speculate, I would guess that these amethyst crystals and the media they so resemble are one and the same, as I wrote of last time.

If this is true, the secrecy, not to mention the prefect's aversion to questioning, may be because this is an original piece of research the Grand Library is not eager to let into the hands of enemy factions.

However, this theory does not sit quite right with me. The amethyst I handled in the cave and the crystals of media Amanita has shown to me do seem quite similar, but not identical. I would like to see them side-by-side to be sure, but media has a peculiar buzzing or rumbling feel beneath the fingers that amethyst does not.

It is quite possible I was unable to sense it on the amethyst in the cave due to the stress of being undergound-- my hands were shaking the one time I managed to touch some, and the feeling is very light --but it does not seem the same to me. The light reflects slightly differently.

I suppose if I ever manage to get my hands on a crystal of amethyst outside of a cave, I will ask Amanita to see if she can cast a spell with it. Every time we meet she seems to have some new fantastic trick.

Just last week she suspended me in the air supported by nothing at all! It is an immensely strange feeling to have your body tingling and lighter than air with your clothing still the same weight... I am just glad she tugged me over my bed before the effect ran out.

-- Cardamom Steles

Lore FragmentCardamom Steles, #3, 1/2

Full title: Letter from Cardamom Steles to her father, #3, part 1/2

Dear Papa,
Two very peculiar things have happened since I last wrote.

Firstly, the professor in charge of the entry-level Hexcasting Corps students has disappeared. Nobody knows where he has gone. His office and living quarters were found locked, but still in their usual state of disarray.

Even more peculiarly, any attempts by the students of the Grand to rouse the administrative portions of the gnarled bureaucracy have been very firmly rejected. Even other professors seem reluctant to talk about him.

As you might imagine, Amanita is sorely distressed. Whatever replacement professors the Grand managed to dredge up have none of the old professor's tact or skill with beginners.

But amazingly, that is not the stranger of the two things I have to tell you. The most horrendous thing I hope to ever experience happened on another trip out with the Geology Corps. This time, we were due for an expedition near a village.

Usually when we do such a thing, there is a long process of communication with the mayor or elder of the village to ensure we have permission and establish boundaries on where we are allowed to go and what we are allowed to do. But on this expedition, there was very little of that; we were notified where we were going by a prefect of the Hexcasting Corps scarcely two days before we left.

We camped near the village, but in a thick forest, even though the nearby plains would have been much more hospitable. We could barely see the village from where we pitched our tents. As I laid down my bedroll the evening we arrived, the peculiar silence troubled me. Even if we couldn't see the village, we should have been able to hear it. But the whole time we were above-ground, there was next to no sound.

The few things I did hear all sounded like work: the peal of hammers on anvils and the scrape of hoe on dirt, for example. I never heard a shred of conversation.

The next morning we readied our lanterns and descended into the earth.

We weren't told exactly what it was we were spelunking for, but one of the other students had overheard we were looking for more amethyst, which seemed reasonable enough. I had my eyes trained for any specks of purple I might find in the cave walls, but just as the gray stone was making way to black slate, an incredible sight unfolded before me.

It was an entire chamber made of amethyst, nearly ten times as tall as I am. The inside seemed to glow with purple sparks and lanternlight glint, every surface covered with jagged crystal. There was more amethyst here than our entire group had ever excavated since I came to the Grand.

Gloves were distributed and we were told to get to mining. One of the prefects along with us had a peculiar lavender box I've seen some of the higher-ups in the Grand using for storage, and the other students and I dutifully got to shattering the glassy crystals off the walls of the cave and putting them in the box. Under the outer layers of brittle crystal there seemed to be two types of denser growth. One of them seemed of similar composition to the loose crystal, but one seemed more ... I struggle to find the word.

I hesitate to say "important," but that's the best I can think of. It had a certain ... gravitas, like the dark, sunken X in its surface held some sacred meaning. Whatever the reason we were under strict instructions not to touch them. Occasionally a misplaced pickaxe would shatter one, and the student responsible would get quite the earful. Although the labor was hard and took most of my attention, I couldn't help but notice how ... lucid I felt. It was a strange mix of feelings: I felt incredibly clear-headed, but I also felt if I stopped to examine the feeling I might never stop.

It was like each breath in erected a friendly signpost in my head promising the way forward, pointing directly down a steep cliff. I shook my head and immersed myself in the work of mining, which seemed to stave off the signposts.

I did manage, however, to hide a shard of the crystal in my knapsack.

We spent nearly the whole day mining, excavating most of the crystal by the time the prefects' chronometer said the sun would set soon.

As we left, I couldn't help but notice that on the surfaces of those dark, scored places we left unmined, there seemed to be the faintest buds of new crystal, like they were somehow growing out of them. Everything I had learned about the geology of crystals said they took thousands of years to grow, but here there was new growth in less than a day. I suppose the prefects' warnings against breaking those spots were warranted, at least.

Our journey back to the surface was uneventful, and we got back to our tents just as the sun was setting-- My apologies, I am nearly out of paper for this letter. There's only so much you can write on one Akashic letter ... This tale is worth purchasing another letter for. I'll send them both at once, so they should arrive together.

-- Cardamom Steles

Lore FragmentCardamom Steles, #3, 2/2

Full title: Letter from Cardamom Steles to her father, #3, part 2/2

Dear Papa,
As I was saying, I was running out of paper to write my story, so the rest of it is in this letter. We made it back to camp just as the sun was setting. And that night was the most horrible event of the whole strange outing.

I had gotten up in the middle of the night to relieve myself. The moon was covered with clouds, and I confess I got lost in the winds of the forest and could not find the way back to the camp. Fearing the monsters of the night, I decided I would find my way to the village and see if I could find a bed there. At the least, I would be protected there.

The village was easy enough to find, though there was very little sound. Even this late at night I would expect the inn to be, if not bustling, at least not silent. But peeking through the inn door I saw absolutely nobody.

I knocked on the door of one of the houses to no response. The next two houses, too, seemed completely empty.

My pulse started to rise, and I resolved to enter the next house. I figured whoever might be inside would be understanding of their rest being disturbed. At the least, hearing another voice would have been reassuring, even if they didn't let me stay the night under their roof.

The house was very small, barely more than a cartographer's table and a bed. I could see there was someone in the bed, and I tried to reassure myself that everyone in the village was just deeply asleep as I turned to leave.

But then the clouds shifted, and moonlight glinted across the bed's occupant.

I screamed, and its eyes snapped open. It was ... distinctly, horrendously not human. It was like some awful de-evolution of a man, its forehead too high, its body stocky and dense. I believe it is appropriate to say "it," at least; the thing before me was obviously not as wise as a human, despite how it resembled us.

Its eyes trained on me-- oh, its eyes were awful, dull and unintelligent like a sheep's! It opened its mouth but a pained mockery of speech poured out, a shuddering, nasal groan.

I ran. In the light of the newly-revealed moon I caught glimpses of other townspeople through windows, and they were all warped and simplified as the first thing I had seen. I sprinted into the darkness of the forest, away from those terrible, terrible animal eyes in those distorted faces.

The camp was easier to find now that I could see in the moonlight. No-one seemed to have noticed my prolonged absence, thankfully. I crawled back into my bedroll and did my very best to forget the whole night.

As you can tell from this letter, I did not do a very good job. That warped visage still haunts my dreams. I shudder to think that it once might have been human.

After we got back to the Grand I showed the shard of crystal I had smuggled out to Amanita. She confirmed my suspicions: it is definitely a crystal of media. What an enormous geode full of it is doing underground, though, is beyond her.

She also mentioned something interesting: apparently media can be used in a similar way to true amethyst in those niche glasses I mentioned a few letters ago. The physical manner in which they both crystallise happens to be nearly identical, and it has nothing to do with media's magical properties, or so she says.

I chose not to tell her of the village full of monsters.

I know how tight money is for you, and how expensive it is to send a letter all the way back to the Grand, but I beg of you, please send a word of advice back. I am greatly distraught, and reading your words would do me much good.

-- Cardamom Steles

Lore FragmentCardamom Steles, #4

Full title: Letter from Cardamom Steles to her father, #4

Amanita has disappeared.

I don't know where she has gone, Papa. The last I saw her was over dinner, and she had just spoken to someone about the disappearances, and then--

then-- then she was gone too. And no one speaks of her, and I am so so scared, Papa, do they all know? Everyone must have a friend who's just vanished, into thin air, into non-being.

Where did they go?

They keep shutting things down, too-- we haven't been on a trip for the Geology Corps in weeks, all the apparati that collect media in the main dome are gone, the Apothecary Corps haven't been open for months... it's like termites are eating the Grand from the inside, leaving a hollow shell.

I think they've started scanning the letters, we write too...

This letter has taken so much courage to write, and I don't have the courage to tell people myself, but if no one here can hold the knowledge I hope and pray you can send the word out... it's a vain hope for this to spread from somewhere as backwater as Brackenfalls, but please, please, do your best. Remember them, Papa... Amanita Libera, Jasmine Ward, Theodore Cha... please, remember them... and please forgive my cowardice, that I foist the responsibility onto you.

i can no longer write, my hands shake so much, please, rescue us.

Lore FragmentWooleye Instance Notes

I only managed to find these five entries from this log.

Detonation #26

Location: Carpenter's North

Population: 174

Nodes Formed: 3

Node Distance from Epicenter: 55-80m vertical, 85-156m horizontal

Media Generation: 1320 uθ/min

Detonation #27

Location: Brackenfalls

Population: 79

Nodes Formed: 1

Node Distance from Epicenter: 95m vertical, 67m horizontal

Media Generation: 412 uθ/min

Detonation #28

Location: Greyston

Population: approx. 1000

Nodes Formed: 18

Node Distance from Epicenter: 47-110m vertical, 59-289m horizontal

Media Generation: 8478 uθ/min

Detonation #29

Location: Unnamed; village two days west of Greyston

Population: 35

Nodes Formed: 0

Node Distance from Epicenter: N/A

Media Generation: N/A

Note: inhabitants still affected in the normal way

Detonation #30

Location: Boiling Brook

Population: 231

Nodes Formed: 4

Node Distance from Epicenter: 61-89m vertical, 78-191m horizontal

Media Generation: 1862 uθ/min

Conclusion: approx 60 needed for one node. Too few consumes them but does not provide enough energy for node formation. Little correlation between input count and breadth/depth.

Effects on inhabitants still consistently more severe than with single-target testing, especially the physical effects.

Lore FragmentWooleye Interview Logs

These documents were heavily redacted. I have copied the readable text from them here.

Subject #1 "A.E."
Stopped struggling immediately after procedure. Facial expression and limbs slack, but can stand unassisted. When left unattended, absently pantomimes actions commonly done in previous profession (groundskeeping).

Heartrate was very high immediately after procedure, but this is inconclusive due to state of fear immediately before. Resulting bud produced 35 uθ/min.
Subject #4 "P.I."
Psychological tests run on P.I. Subject has object permanence, spatial awareness, basic numerical reasoning. Difficulty learning new tasks.


Subject #7 "T.C."
Consented to procedure. Similar results several hours after the procedure to other subjects: able to stand, perform simple tasks.


Subject #11 "R.S."
Sedated before procedure; dosage such that subject would wake up as procedure occurred...


Subject #23 "A.L."
Ability to speak retained to a greater degree than most subjects; dwindled to broken sentences, then a single word "card" over the course of several hours.

For further testing: how does the procedure affect previous Hexcasters vs. non-Hexcasters?


Lore FragmentRestoration Log #72

Cell 39, Restoration Log #72, Detainment Center Beta

Prisoner Name: Raphael Barr
Crime: Knowledge of Project Wooleye
Reason for Cell Vacancy: Death
Additional notes: The following letter was scrawled over most of the wall space.

I see hexagons when I close my eyes.

The patterns, they invade the space between my eyes and my eyelids, my mind, my dreams. I sparkle in and out of lucidity, like a crystal dangling from a string, sometimes catching the light, sometimes consumed by it.

I am more lucid today. Maybe. I cannot tell anymore. I cannot even say I am tired anymore; at some point the constant companion of exhaustion left me, even as something else came to prick at my eyes. I can't sense the fatigue. But it's there.

My bones are fragile. My joints are rough and sharp.

Sometimes why I am here comes back to me. I remember being too loud about something I knew ... I remember a very bright room where I was told things. I remember my thoughts freezing into glass, shattered, melted and recrystallized over and over and over and over and over with a purpose behind them to make me forget worse than that to keep me alive while killing me, my self, the iota of ME being meaningless because there would be no observer just a body but I tricked them I did it somehow

they thought they broke me beyond the point of pulling the wool over my eyes but i was awake enough and am awake enough to feel PAIN

I do not sleep but when i wake up I cannot rub the crust off of my eyes because it would cut my skin and I do not want to see the purple glints inside

They do not kill me, because my husband has my focus, and he would know if I died. But he is no Hexcaster and could not find me with his mediocre skill. i am out of ambit

it h urts to think. quite literally. the thoughts are so wasteful now the leftover striates directly onto the million microcrystals

i remember the doctors in the bright room forcing me to inhale something like sand but sharper and it hurt so much. At first just the physical pain of mucous membranes trying to absorb shatterglass but then they got their fingernails into my stimulus-response and they could do it with a word

i remember camping out and seeing the corps setting up their circle all around a village and the ground under my feet rumbling

drift out of time. Sometimes I believe I see visions of the future, because they seem to make sense but cannot happen now because I know i will be here until forever because the white room men said so. i see myself toppling over and my skull cracking open into halves and inside will be spears of not-amethyst dripping with blood piercing the wrinkled three pounds of fat and meat dreaming that it is a butterfly

i hope my students are alright. why do i think that? waste. they told me i'm a waste, they couldn't be content with destroying me they had to make me feel like I deserved it the whole time, too. No sticks or stones to break my bones, just words to hurt me. if they released me no one would believe me because my body is inspectable fully i just look like one more addicted to overcasting

But they locked me up insted and i dont know if it's a mercy

with all the media around I tried many times to cast a hex and get me out or at the least snuff out my suffering but the patterns that march through the fields of my mind snicker and dissolve when I try to reach for them. i think i remember being forced to forget them, I remember grand structures of knowledge interlinked getting chipped away and splintering as it fell apart under the weight of forced ignorance but it hurts so much to try to remember forgetting what you remembered you thought you knew

maybe I am just in the late late late late stages of overcasting dependency, the patterns papercutting into the space between my eyes and my eyelids I have heard of, the purple edges of my nerves i have heard of. is there any point trying to make myself believe what is true I am not being tortured. I deserve this. if i will never have anyone to discuss it with ever again why try

they're going to kill everyone n the whole world aren't they the grand needs to eat just as much as i ... when did i lasst eat

everyone else has to eat and they cannot do that if all the farmers in the world are empty and all the knowledge of farming is underground or at least someone else is going to Find out and melt their smug faces to wax

maybe wake up someday and wonder about all the thngs we left them and wonder why there are million miles of tunnels underground with no one smart enough to mine them

i can see them reading this . they ... will be too far gone to care

It appears I have installed some mods Hexcasting interoperates with! I've detailed them here.

ЦепьCross-Mod Compatibility

The art of Hexcasting is versatile. If I find that my world has been modified by certain other powers, it's possible that I may use Hexcasting in harmony and combination with them.

I should keep in mind, however, that Nature seems to have paid less attention in crafting these aspects of my art; strange behavior and bugs are to be expected. I'm sure the mod developer will do her best to correct them, but I must remember this is a less important pastime to her.

I may also find that there are sharp disregards to balance in the costs and effects of the interoperating powers. In such a case I suppose I will have to be responsible and restrain myself from using them.

Finally, if I find myself interested in the lore and stories of this world, I do not think any notes compiled while examining these interoperations should be considered as anything more than light trifles.

НаковальняGravity Changer

I have discovered actions to get and set an entity's gravity. I find them interesting, if slightly nauseating.

Interestingly, although Flight is a great spell, and manipulates gravity similarly, these are not. It baffles me why... Perhaps the mod developer wanted players to have fun, for once.

Gravitational Purification (entity → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawawddew

Get the main direction gravity pulls the given entity in, as a unit vector. For most entities, this will be down, <0, -1, 0>.

Alter Gravity (entity, vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdwdwaaqw

Set the main direction gravity pulls the given entity in. The given vector will be coerced into the nearest axis, as per Axial Purification. Costs about one Charged Amethyst.

Красный грибPehkui

I have discovered methods of changing the size of entities, and querying how much larger or smaller they are than normal.

Gulliver's Purification (entity → double)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aawawwawwa

Get the scale of the entity, as a proportion of their normal size. For most entities, this will be 1.

Alter Scale (entity, double →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddwdwwdwwd

Set the scale of the entity, passing in a proportion of their normal size. Costs about 1 Amethyst Shard.

Список всех рун, в использовании которых я уверен.

Книга знанийКак читать эту секцию

I've divided all the valid patterns I've found into sections based on what they do, more or less. I've written down the stroke order of the patterns as well, if I managed to find it in my studies, with the start of the pattern marked with a red dot.

If an action is cast by multiple patterns, as is the case with some, I'll write them all side-by-side.

For a few patterns, however, I was not able to find the stroke order, just the shape. I suspect the order to draw them in are out there, locked away in the ancient libraries and dungeons of the world.

In such cases I just draw the pattern without any information on the order to draw it in.

I also write the types of iota that the action will consume or modify, a "→", and the types of iota the action will create.

For example, "vector, numbervector" means the action will remove a vector and a number from the top of the stack, and then add a vector; or, put another way, will remove a number from the stack, and then modify the vector at the top of the stack. (The number needs to be on the top of the stack, with the vector right below it.)

"→ entity" means it'll just push an entity. "entity, vector →" means it removes an entity and a vector, and doesn't push anything.

Finally, if I find the little dot marking the stroke order too slow or confusing, I can press Control/Command to display a gradient, where the start of the pattern is darkest and the end is lightest. This works on scrolls and when casting, too!

Деревянная киркаПростые руны

Зеркало нарцисса (→ entity)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaq

Adds me, the caster, to the stack.

Положение сущности (entity → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aa

Transforms an entity on the stack into the position of its eyes. I should probably use this on myself.

Compass' Purification II (entity → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dd

Transforms an entity on the stack into the position it is standing. I should probably use this on other entities.

Взгляд алидады (entity → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wa

Transforms an entity on the stack into the direction it's looking in, as a unit vector.

Столкновение: стена (vector, vector → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaawdd

Combines two vectors (a position and a direction) into the answer to the question: If I stood at the position and looked in the direction, what block would I be looking at? Costs a negligible amount of media.

If it doesn't hit anything, the vectors will combine into Null.

A common sequence of patterns, the so-called "raycast mantra," is Mind's Reflection, Compass Purification, Mind's Reflection, Alidade Purification, Archer's Distillation. Together, they return the vector position of the block I am looking at.

Столкновение: компас (vector, vector → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: weddwaa

Like Archer's Distillation, but instead returns a vector representing the answer to the question: Which side of the block am I looking at? Costs a negligible amount of media.

More specifically, it returns the normal vector of the face hit, or a unit vector pointing perpendicular to the face.

If I am looking at a floor, it will return (0, 1, 0).

If I am looking at the south face of a block, it will return (0, 0, 1).

Столкновение: сущность (vector, vector → entity)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: weaqa

Like Archer's Distillation, but instead returns the entity I am looking at. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Вывод в чат (any → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: de

Displays the top iota of the stack to me.

Высота сущности (entity → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awq

Transforms an entity on the stack into its height.

Скорость сущности (entity → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wq

Transforms an entity on the stack into the direction in which it's moving, with the speed of that movement as that direction's magnitude.

ПалкаЧисла в рунах

Число (→ number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqaa Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dedd

Нет какого-то простейшего способа писать числа. Этот метод в теории является рабочим для любого числа и единственное ограничение - размер сетки.

Сначала я пишу одну из двух вариаций руны показанной на следующей странице. Далее угол следующих линий будет изменять счётчик, который начинается с 0.

Вперёд: Добавить 1

Влево: Добавить 5

Вправо: Добавить 10

Ещё левее: Умножить на 2

Ещё правее: Делить на 2.
Развернутая руна на правой части страницы используется для отрицательных чисел.

Как только руна написана число добавляется вверх стэка.

Пример 1

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqaae

Руна для 10.

Пример 2

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqaaqww

Руна для 7: 5 + 1 + 1.

Пример 3

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deddwqea

Руна для -32: - ( 1 + 5 + 10 * 2 ).

Пример 4

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqaaqdww

Руна для 4.5: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.

Некоторые, для которых это сложно используют Счёты

Огненный стерженьМатем. операции

Множество рун для математических операций для векторов и чисел. Аргументы написаны как "num/vec".

Сложение (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waaw

Выполнить сложение.

Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, складывает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.

С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и добавляет его в каждый элемент направления.

С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и складывает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка ([1, 2, 3] + [0, 4, -1] = [1, 6, 2]).

Убавление (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wddw

Выполнить вычитание.

Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, вычитает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.

С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и вычитает его из каждого элемента направления.

С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и вычитает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка

Во всех случаях верх стэка вычитается из второго числа в стэке.

Умножение (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqaw

Выполнить умножение.

With two numbers, combines them into their product.

With a number and a vector, removes the number from the stack and multiplies each component of the vector by that number.

With two vectors, combines them into their dot product.

Деление (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdedw

Деление или пересечение векторов.

Деление двух чисел.

С числом и вектором, убирает число и делит его на каждый элемент вектора.

С двумя векторами ищет их пересечение.WARNING: Не дели на ноль!!!

Length Purification (num/vec → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaqw

Посчитать abs(num) или длину вектора

Высчитывает абсолютное значение числа или длину вектора

Возведение в степень (num/vec, num/vec → num/vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wedew

Посчитать pow(num, num) или vector projection.

With two numbers, combines them by raising the first to the power of the second.

With a number and a vector, removes the number and raises each component of the vector to the number's power.

With two vectors, combines them into the vector projection of the top of the stack onto the second-from-the-top.

In the first and second cases, the first argument or its components are the base, and the second argument or its components are the exponent.

Опущение дроби (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ewq

Убирает дробную часть числа, 4.5 -> 4

Доведение дроби (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwe

Добивает число до потолка, 4.5 -> 5

Создать вектоа (num, num, num → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqqqqq

Объединяет 3 числа на верху стэка в вектор XYZ (сверху вниз).

Разбить вектор (vector → num, num, num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qeeeee

Делит вектор на компоненты X, Y, Z сверху вниз.

Modulus Distillation (num, num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: addwaad

Takes the modulus of two numbers. This is the amount remaining after division - for example, 5 % 2 is 1, and 5 % 3 is 2.

Axial (vec → vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqaww

Скругляет вектор до ближайших значений.

Энтропийное значение (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqqq

Случайное число от 0 до 1.


True Reflection (→ bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqae

Adds True to the top of the stack.

False Reflection (→ bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dedq

Adds False to the top of the stack.

Нуль константа (→ influence)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: d

Adds the Null influence to the top of the stack.

Взгляд 0 (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqq

Adds [0, 0, 0] to the stack.

Vector Rfln. +X/-X (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqea Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqa

The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [1, 0, 0] to the stack; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [-1, 0, 0].

Vector Rfln. +Y/-Y (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqew Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqw

The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [0, 1, 0] to the stack; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [0, -1, 0].

Vector Rfln. +Z/-Z (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqed Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqd

The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds [0, 0, 1]; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds [0, 0, -1].

Значение Тау (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eawae

Adds τ, the radial representation of a complete circle, to the stack.

Значение Пифагора (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qdwdq

Adds π, the radial representation of half a circle, to the stack.

Значение эйлера (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aaq

Adds e, the base of natural logarithms, to the stack.

ПоршеньУправление стэком

Novice's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: a

Removes the first iota from the stack.

This seems to be a special case of Bookkeeper's Gambit.

Верхний переход (any, any → any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aawdd

Меняет местами 2 верхние части стэка.

Rotation Gambit (any, any, any → any, any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aaeaa

Yanks the iota third from the top of the stack to the top. [0, 1, 2] becomes [1, 2, 0].

Rotation Gambit II (any, any, any → any, any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddqdd

Yanks the top iota to the third position. [0, 1, 2] becomes [2, 0, 1].

Дублировать (any → any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aadaa

Дублирует верх стэка.

Prospector's Gambit (any, any → any, any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aaedd

Copy the second-to-last iota of the stack to the top. [0, 1] becomes [0, 1, 0].

Undertaker's Gambit (any, any → any, any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddqaa

Copy the top iota of the stack, then put it under the second iota. [0, 1] becomes [1, 0, 1].

Множественное дублирование (any, number → many)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aadaadaa

Removes the number at the top of the stack, then copies the top iota of the stack that number of times. (A count of 2 results in two of the iota on the stack, not three.)

Dioscuri Gambit (any, any → any, any, any, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aadadaaw

Copy the top two iotas of the stack. [0, 1] becomes [0, 1, 0, 1].

Размер стэка (→ number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwaeawqaeaqa

Добавляет на верх стэка длину стэка. ([0, 1] -> [0, 1, 2])

Значение по индексу (number → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddad

Захватывает n'ый элемент со стэка и приводит к верху стэка.

Fisherman's Gambit II (number → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aada

Like Fisherman's Gambit, but instead of moving the iota, copies it.

Bookkeeper's Gambit (many → many)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aeea Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eada Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ae

An infinite family of actions that keep or remove elements at the top of the stack based on the sequence of dips and lines.

Assuming that I draw a Bookkeeper's Gambit pattern left-to-right, the number of iotas the action will require is determined by the horizontal distance covered by the pattern. From deepest in the stack to shallowest, a flat line will keep the iota, whereas a triangle dipping down will remove it.

If my stack contains 0, 1, 2 from deepest to shallowest, drawing the first pattern opposite will give me 1, the second will give me 0, and the third will give me 0, 2 (the 0 at the bottom is left untouched).

Swindler's Gambit (many, number → many)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaawdde

Rearranges the top elements of the stack based on the given numerical code, which is the index of the permutation wanted.

Although I can't pretend to know the mathematics behind calculating this permutation code, I have managed to dig up an extensive chart of them, enumerating all permutations of up to six elements.

If I wish to do further study, the key word is "Lehmer Code."

Table of Codes

Редстоуновый компараторЛогические операторы

Логическое НЕ (!) (any → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dw

arg == 0 or Null -> return 1 else 0

Augur's Purification (any → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aw

Convert an argument to a boolean. The number 0, Null, and the empty list become False; everything else becomes True.

Логическое ИЛИ (||) (bool, bool → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waw

arg1 != Null -> return arg1 else arg2

Логическое И (&&) (bool, bool → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdw

arg1 == Null -> return Null else arg2

Логическое исключающее ИЛИ (^) (bool, bool → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dwa

xor(arg1, arg2) -> non-Null else Null

Augur's Exaltation (bool, any, any → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awdd

If the first argument is True, keeps the second and discards the third; otherwise discards the second and keeps the third.

Логическое равенство (==) (any, any → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ad

arg1 == arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Логическое неравенство (!=) (any, any → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: da

arg1 != arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Логическое больше (>) (number, number → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: e

arg1 > arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Логическое меньше (<) (number, number → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: q

arg1 < arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Логическое больше или равно (>=) (number, number → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ee

arg1 >= arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Логическое меньше или равно (<=) (number, number → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qq

arg1 <= arg2 -> return 1 else 0

Яйцо призыва свиньиСущности

Обнаружение сущности (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqa

Сущность на этом месте или null.

Обнаруж. сущн.: Животные (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqaawa

Животное на этом месте или null.

Обнаруж. сущн.: Монстры (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqaawq

Монстр на этом месте или null.

Обнаруж. сущн.: Предметы (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqaaww

Предмет на этом месте или null.

Обнаруж. сущн.: Игроки (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqaawe

Игрок на этом месте или null.

Обнаруж. сущн.: Живое (vector → entity or null)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqdaqaawd

Живое существо на этом месте или null.

Поиск по площади: Животные (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwdeddwa

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь животных около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Не животные (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeewaqaawa

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не животных около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Монстры (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwdeddwq

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь монстров около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Не монстры (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeewaqaawq

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не монстров около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Предметы (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwdeddww

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь предметов около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Не предметы (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeewaqaaww

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не предметов около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Игроки (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwdeddwe

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь игроков около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Не игроки (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeewaqaawe

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не игроков около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Живое (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwdeddwd

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь живых существ около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Неживое (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeewaqaawd

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не живых существ около позиции.

Поиск по площади: Any (vector, number → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwded

Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь существ около позиции.

Дубовая табличкаОчереди

Выборка из очереди (list, number → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeed

Remove the number at the top of the stack, then replace the list at the top with the nth element of that list (where n is the number you removed). Replaces the list with Null if the number is out of bounds.

Selection Exaltation (list, num, num → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaeaqwded

Remove the two numbers at the top of the stack, then take a sublist of the list at the top of the stack between those indices, lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive. For example, the 0, 2 sublist of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] would be [0, 1].

Вступление в очередь (list, any → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: edqde

Remove the top of the stack, then add it to the end of the list at the top of the stack.

Комбинация очередей (list, list → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaeaq

Remove the list at the top of the stack, then add all its elements to the end of the list at the top of the stack.

Пустотная очередь (→ list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqaeaae

Push an empty list to the top of the stack.

Одиночное вхождение (any → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: adeeed

Remove the top of the stack, then push a list containing only that element.

Очередные счёты (list → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqaeaq

Remove the list at the top of the stack, then push the number of elements in the list to the stack.

Очередной переполох (list → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqaede

Reverse the list at the top of the stack.

Locator's Distillation (list, any → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dedqde

Remove the iota at the top of the stack, then replace the list at the top with the first index of that iota within the list (starting from 0). Replaces the list with -1 if the iota doesn't exist in the list.

Excisor's Distillation (list, num → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: edqdewaqa

Remove the number at the top of the stack, then remove the nth element of the list at the top of the stack (where n is the number you removed).

Surgeon's Exaltation (list, num, any → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaeaqw

Remove the top iota of the stack and the number at the top, then set the nth element of the list at the top of the stack to that iota (where n is the number you removed). Does nothing if the number is out of bounds.

Множественное вступление (many, num → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ewdqdwe

Remove num elements from the stack, then add them to a list at the top of the stack.

Flock's Disintegration (list → many)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwaeawq

Remove the list at the top of the stack, then push its contents to the stack.

Speaker's Distillation (list, any → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddewedd

Remove the top iota, then add it as the first element to the list at the top of the stack.

Speaker's Decomposition (list → list, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aaqwqaa

Remove the first iota from the list at the top of the stack, then push that iota to the stack.

ИзумрудОчереди из рун

One of the many peculiarities of this art is that patterns themselves can act as iotas-- I can even put them onto my stack when casting.

This raises a fairly obvious question: how do I express them? If I simply drew a pattern, it would hardly tell Nature to add it to my stack-- rather, it would simply be matched to an action.

Fortunately, Nature has provided me with a set of influences that I can use to work with patterns directly.

In short, Consideration lets me add one pattern to the stack, and Introspection and Retrospection let me add a whole list.

Лямбда выражение

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqaw

To use Consideration, I draw it, then another arbitrary pattern. That second pattern is added to the stack.

One may find it helpful to think of this as "escaping" the pattern onto the stack, if they happen to be familiar with the science of computers.

The usual use for this is to copy the pattern to a Scroll or Slate using Scribe's Gambit, and then perhaps decorating with them.

Начало функции

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqq

Drawing Introspection makes my drawing of patterns act differently, for a time. Until I draw Retrospection, the patterns I draw are saved. Then, when I draw Retrospection, they are added to the stack as a list iota.

Конец функции

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eee

If I draw another Introspection, it'll still be saved to the list, but I'll then have to draw two Retrospections to get back to normal casting.

Also, I can escape the special behavior of Intro- and Retrospection by drawing a Consideration before them, which will simply add them to the list without affecting which the number of Retrospections I need to return to casting.

If I draw two Considerations in a row while introspecting, it will add a single Consideration to the list.

Книга и пероЧтение и запись

This section deals with the storage of Iotas in a more permanent medium. Nearly any iota can be stored to a suitable item, such as a Focus or Spellbook), and read back later. Certain items, such as an Abacus, can only be read from.

Iotas are usually read and written from the other hand, but it is also possible to read and write with an item when it is sitting on the ground as an item entity, or when in an item frame.

There may be other entities I can interact with in this way. For example, a Scroll hung on the wall can have its pattern read off of it.

However, it seems I am unable to save a reference to another player, only me. I suppose an entity reference is similar to the idea of a True Name; perhaps Nature is helping to keep our Names out of the hands of enemies. If I want a friend to have my Name I can make a Focus for them.

Чтение предмета (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqq

Скопировать информацию из предмета (к примеру Талисман, Счёты или Книга знаний) в моей другой руке, и добавить на верх стэка.

Запись в предмет (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeee

Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the item in my other hand.

Чтение сущности (entity → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawqwqwqwqwqw

Типо , но информация читается из сущности предмета.

Chronicler's Gambit (entity, any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdwewewewewew

Like Scribe's Gambit, but the iota is written to an entity instead of my other hand.

Interestingly enough, it looks like I cannot write my own Name using this spell. I get a sense that I might be endangered if I could.

Проверка чтимости (→ bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqe

Если прочесть информацию из другой руки можно - вернёт 1, нет - 0.

Проверка чтимости II (entity → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawqwqwqwqwqwew

Like Auditor's Reflection, but the readability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.

Проверка вписываемости (→ bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeq

Если сохранить информацию можно - возвращает 1 если нет - 0.

Assessor's Purification (entity → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdwewewewewewqw

Like Assessor's Reflection, but the writability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.

The Ravenmind

Items are not the only places I can store information, however. I am also able to store that information in the media of the Hex itself, much like the stack, but separate. Texts refer to this as the ravenmind. It holds a single iota, much like a Focus, and begins with Null like the same. It is preserved between iterations of Thoth's Gambit, but only lasts as long as the Hex it's a part of. Once I stop casting, the value will be lost.

Huginn's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqqwawqaaw

Removes the top iota from the stack, and saves it to my ravenmind, storing it there until I stop casting the Hex.

Muninn's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qeewdweddw

Copy the iota out of my ravenmind, which I likely just wrote with Huginn's Gambit.


Set operations are odd, in that some of them can accept two numbers or two lists, but not a combination thereof. Such arguments will be written as "num, num/list, list".

When numbers are used in those operations, they are being used as so-called binary "bitsets", lists of 1 and 0, true and false, "on" and "off".

Побитовое ИЛИ (num, num/list, list → num/list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waweaqa

Unifies two sets.

As such:

With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit in either bitset.

With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list, plus every element from the second list that is not in the first list. This is similar to Combination Distillation.

Побитовое И (num, num/list, list → num/list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdweaqa

Takes the intersection of two sets.

As such:

With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit present in both bitsets.

With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list that is also in the second list.

Побитовое исключающее ИЛИ (num, num/list, list → num/list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dwaeaqa

Takes the exclusive disjunction of two sets.

As such:

With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every "on" bit present in exactly one of the bitsets.

With two lists, this creates a list of every element in both lists that is not in the other list.

Побитовое НЕ (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dweaqa

Takes the inversion of a bitset, changing all "on" bits to "off" and vice versa. In my experience, this will take the form of that number negated and decreased by one. For example, 0 will become -1, and -100 will become 99.

Uniqueness Purification (list → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aweaqa

Removes duplicate entries from a list.

Незер-кварцПродвинутая математика

Синус (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqaa

Синус угла в радианах. Выражается в π и τ.

Косинус (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqad

Косинус угла в радианах. Выражается в π и τ.

Тангенс (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqqqadq

Тангенс угла в радианах. Выражается в π and τ.

Арксинус (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddeeeee

Takes the inverse sine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose sine is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.

Аркосинус (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: adeeeee

Takes the inverse cosine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose cosine is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.

Арктангенс (num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eadeeeeew

Takes the inverse tangent of a value, yielding the angle whose tangent is that value. Related to the values of π and τ.

Логарифм (num, num → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqaqe

Removes the number at the top of the stack, then takes the logarithm of the number at the top using the other number as its base. Related to the value of e.

Шалкеровый ящикРабота с очередями рун

Исполнить заклинание ([pattern] | pattern → many)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deaqq

Убирает очередь рун со стэка и поочерёдно их использует.
Cтоит около одного Осколка Аметиста.

This can be very powerful in tandem with Foci.

It also makes the bureaucracy of Nature a "Turing-complete" system, according to one esoteric scroll I found.

However, it seems there's a limit to how many times a Hex can cast itself-- Nature doesn't look kindly on runaway spells!

In addition, with the energies of the patterns occurring without me to guide them, any mishap will cause the remaining actions to become too unstable and immediately unravel.

Рунный перебор (list of patterns, list → list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dadad

Remove a list of patterns and a list from the stack, then cast the given pattern over each element of the second list.

More specifically, for each element in the second list, it will:

Create a new stack, with everything on the current stack plus that element

Draw all the patterns in the first list

Save all the iotas remaining on the stack to a list
Then, after all is said and done, pushes the list of saved iotas onto the main stack.

No wonder all the practitioners of this art go mad.

Charon's Gambit

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqdee

This pattern forcibly halts a Hex. This is mostly useless on its own, as I could simply just stop writing patterns, or put down my staff.

But when combined with Hermes' or Thoth's Gambits, it becomes far more interesting. Those patterns serve to 'contain' that halting, and rather than ending the entire Hex, those gambits end instead. This can be used to cause Thoth's Gambit not to operate on every iota it's given. An escape from the madness, as it were.

Empty ImpetusSpell Circle Patterns

These patterns must be cast from a Spell Circle; trying to cast them through a Staff will fail rather spectacularly.

Зеркало путевого камня (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaqwqae

Returns the position of the Impetus of this spell circle.

Взгляд путевого камня (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaqwqaewede

Returns the direction the Impetus of this spell circle is facing as a unit vector.

Отражение меньшей стопки (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaqwqaewdd

Returns the position of the lower-north-west corner of the bounds of this spell circle.

Отражение большей стопки (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqwqawaaqa

Returns the position of the upper-south-east corner of the bounds of this spell circle.

Книжный шкаф акашиAkashic Patterns

Чтение акаши (vector, pattern → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqwqqqqqaq

Read the iota associated with the given pattern out of the Akashic Library with its Record at the given position. This has no range limit. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Запись акаши (vector, pattern, any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeweeeeede

Associate the iota with the given pattern in the Akashic Library with its Record at the given position. This does have a range limit. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Руны, которые совершают магические взаимодействия с окружающим миром.

РамкаРабота с предметами

Некоторые руны, такие как Поставить блок, потребляют дополнительные предметы из инвентаря. Руна ищёт предмет для использования.

Сначала, руна ищёт первый подходящий предмет в хотбаре около Посоха.

Во вторых, руна использует самый далёкий предмет из инвентаря.

Так можно выбрать какой предмет какое заклинание будет использовать.

Книжная полкаПродвинутые руны

Взрыв (vector, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aawaawaa

Создает взрыв на месте вектора с силой данного числа.

Сила 3 как взрыв крипера; 4 как ТНТ. Больше 10 нельзя.

Стоит 1 Аметистовый осколок, и ещё Аметистовый осколок за каждую единицу силы взрыва.

Огненный взрыв (vector, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddwddwdd

Создаёт огненный взрыв на данных координатах с данной силой.

Стоит 3 Осколка аметиста, и ещё один за каждую единицу силы взрыва.

Импульс (entity, vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awqqqwaqw

Даёт импульс данному существу в данном направлении, сила обозначается длиной вектора.
Стоит количество Aметистовой пыли равное квадрату длины вектора.

Издать ноту (vector, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: adaa

Требует вектор и 2 числа. Проигрывает инструмент основанный на первом числе на указаной позиции, с нотой основанной на втором числе. Стоит малое количество мысли.

Существует 16 различных инструментов и 25 различных нот. Отсчёт начинается с нуля.

Это те же самые инструменты, которые может воспроизвести нотный блок.

Узнать числа разных инструментов можно используя линзу прозрения на нотном блоке.

БулыжникРабота с блоками

Поставить блок (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeede

Remove a location from the stack, then pick a block item and place it at the given location.
Costs a negligible amount of media.

Сломать блок (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqqqqq

Remove a location from the stack, then break the block at the given location. This spell can break nearly anything a Diamond Pickaxe can break.
Costs a bit more than one Amethyst Dust.

Вылить воды (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqawqadaq

Summon a block of water (or insert up to a bucket's worth) into a block at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Зачерпнуть воды (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dedwedade

Drains either a liquid container at, or a body of liquid around, the given position. Costs about two Charged Amethyst.

Магический барьер (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqa

Conjure an ethereal, but solid, block that sparkles with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Магический свет (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqd

Conjure a magical light that softly glows with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Удобрить (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaqwawqaqw

Encourage a plant or sapling at the target position to grow, as if Bonemeal was applied. Costs a bit more than one Amethyst Dust.

Наполнить саженец (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqaqwd

Forcibly infuse media into the sapling at the target position, causing it to grow into an Edified Tree. Costs about one Charged Amethyst.

Поджог (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aaqawawa

Start a fire on top of the given location, as if a Fire Charge was applied. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Массовый поджог (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddedwdwd

Extinguish blocks in a large area. Costs about six Amethyst Dust.

ЗельеНегативные зелья

Они берут сущность и 2 или 1 число, первое - длительность, второе - уровень(от 1).

Каждый имеет обычную стоимость, она будет умножаться на уровень зелья .

According to certain legends, these spells and their sisters, the Положительные зелья, were "[...] inspired by a world near to this one, where powerful wizards would gather magic from the land and hold duels to the death. Unfortunately, much was lost in translation..."

Perhaps that is the reason for their peculiar names.

Эффект слабости (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqaqwawaw

Inflicts weakness. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 10 seconds.

Эффект левитации (entity, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqawwawawd

Inflicts levitation. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 5 seconds.

Эффект иссушения (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqaewawawe

Inflicts withering. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per second.

Эффект отравления (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqadwawaww

Inflicts poison. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 3 seconds.

Эффект замедления (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqadwawaw

Inflicts slowness. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 5 seconds.

АмулетОбработка магических предметов

These three spells each create an item that casts a Hex.
They all require me to hold the empty item in my off-hand, and require two things: the list of patterns to be cast, and an entity representing a dropped stack of Amethyst to form the item's battery.

See this entry for more information.

Создать побрякушку (entity, list of patterns →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqq

Costs about one Charged Amethyst.

Создать штуковину (entity, list of patterns →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaqqqqqeaqeaeqqqeaeq

Costs about five Charged Amethysts.

Создать амулет (entity, list of patterns →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaqqqqqeawqwqwqwqwqwwqqeadaeqqeqqeadaeqq

Costs about ten Charged Amethysts.

Перезарядка предмета (entity →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwaeaeaeaeaea

Recharge a media-containing item in my other hand. Costs about one Amethyst Shard.

This spell is cast in a similar method to the crafting spells; an entity representing a dropped stack of Amethyst is provided, and recharges the media battery of the item in my other hand.

This spell cannot recharge the item farther than its original battery size.

Очистка предмета

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qdqawwaww

Clear a Hex-containing item in my other hand. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

The spell will also void all the media stored inside the item, releasing it back to Nature and returning the item to a perfectly clean slate. This way, I can re-use Trinkets I have put an erroneous spell into, for example.

This also works to clear a Focus or Spellbook page, unsealing them in the process.

Фиолетовая свечаМетки

Hence, away! Now all is well,
One aloof stand sentinel.

A Sentinel is a mysterious force I can summon to assist in the casting of Hexes, like a familiar or guardian spirit. It appears as a spinning geometric shape to my eyes, but is invisible to everyone else.

It has several interesting properties:

It does not appear to be tangible; no one else can interact with it.

Once summoned, it stays in place until banished.

I am always able to see it, even through solid objects.

Поставить Метку (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waeawae

Summons my sentinel at the given position. Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Убрать Метку

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qdwdqdw

Banish my sentinel, and remove it from the world. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Позиция Метки (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waeawaede

Add the position of my sentinel to the stack, or Null if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Путь к Метке (vector → vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waeawaedwa

Transform the position vector on the top of the stack into a unit vector pointing from that position to my sentinel, or Null if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Установить оттенок

Установить оттенок

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awddwqawqwawq

I must be holding a Pigment in my other hand to cast this spell. When I do, it will consume the dye and permanently change my mind's coloration (at least, until I cast the spell again). Costs about one Amethyst Dust.

Руны, изложенные здесь считаются легендарно сложными и мощными. Кажется они были использованы очень редко (к счастью, в древних текстах они упоминаются). Вероятно это просто трактирные байки, но попробовать стоит. Разве могут возникнуть проблемы?

Ведро лавыСоздать лаву

Создать лаву (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaqawqadaqd

Summon a block of lava or insert a bucket's worth into a block at the given position. Costs about one Charged Amethyst.

It may be advisable to keep my knowledge of this spell secret. A certain faction of botanists get... touchy about it, or so I've heard.

Well, no one said tracing the deep secrets of the universe was going to be an easy time.

ЛевитацияWeather Manipulation

Громовержец (vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waadwawdaaweewq

I command the heavens! This spell will summon a bolt of lightning to strike the earth where I direct it. Costs about three Amethyst Shards.

Призвать дождь

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwweeewwweewdawdwad

I control the clouds! This spell will summon rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about one Charged Amethyst. Does nothing if it is already raining.

Гнать дождь

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeewwweeewwaqqddqdqd

A counterpart to summoning rain. This spell will dispel rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about one Amethyst Shard. Does nothing if the skies are already clear.


Полёт (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eawwaeawawaa

The power of flight! I have wrestled Nature to its knees. But Nature is vengeful, and itches for me to break its contract so it may break my shins.

The entity (which must be a player) will be endowed with flight. The first number is the number of seconds they may fly for, and the second number is the radius of the zone they may fly in. If the recipient exits that zone, or their timer runs out while midair, the gravity that they spurned will get its revenge. Painfully.

It costs approximately 1 Amethyst Dust multiplied by the radius, per second of flight.


Телепорт (entity, vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwwqqqwwwqqeqqwwwqqwqqdqqqqqdqq

Куда мощнее Блинка, это позволит мне телепортироваться на невероятные расстония, пускай ограничение и есть, но оно куда больше.

The entity will be teleported by the given vector, which is an offset from its given position. No matter the distance, it always seems to cost about ten Charged Crystals.

The transference is not perfect, and it seems when teleporting something as complex as a player, their inventory doesn't quite stay attached, and tends to splatter everywhere at the destination.


This family of spells all impart a positive potion effect upon an entity, similar to the Nadirs. However, these have their media costs increase with the cube of the potency.

Эффект регенерации (entity, number, number →)

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Bestows regeneration. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per second.

Эффект ночного зрения (entity, number →)

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Bestows night vision. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 5 seconds.

Эффект поглощения (entity, number, number →)

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Bestows absorption. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per second.

Эффект спешки (entity, number, number →)

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Bestows haste. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 3 seconds.

Эффект силы (entity, number, number →)

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Bestows strength. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 3 seconds.

МаякПризвать чанк-лоадер метку

Призвать чанк-лоадер метку (vector →)

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Summon a greater version of my Sentinel. Costs about 2 Amethyst Dusts.

The stronger sentinel acts like the normal one I can summon without the use of a Great Spell, if a little more visually interesting. However, the range in which my spells can work is extended to a small region around my greater sentinel, about 16 blocks. In other words, no matter where in the world I am, I can interact with things around my sentinel (the mysterious forces of chunkloading notwithstanding).

Бутыль мыслейСоздать пузырь мыслей

Создать пузырь мыслей (entity →)

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Infuse a bottle with media to form a Phial.

Similarly to the spells for Crafting Hexcasting Items, I must hold a Glass Bottle in my other hand, and provide the spell with a dropped stack of Amethyst. See this page for more information.

Costs about 1 Charged Amethyst Crystal.

ЧерепЧистый разум

Чистый разум (entity, vector →)

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